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All of us were hanging out when Sasha walked in with a black eye.

Is Sandy here?


Don't let her see.

I walked into a wall okay?

Alright we said.

Sandy walked in the room.

Sasha she said.

I walked into a wall okay?

Okay she said with a hint of unconvinced in her voice.

What time is it I asked?

10:30 Karen replied.

Sasha honey are you alright?

I'm fine Sandy I'm just late.

Do you want me to drive you home?

No I have to go.

Regina that's fine see you tomorrow sweetheart.


I'm honestly fine Sandy.

I looked at her eyes she had sadness in her eyes and I was the one who caused that.

I'm sorry I said before taking off.

Sandy speaking

I'm going to go to Sasha's house.

I'm worried sick about her.

Finally arriving at Sasha's house.

I heard someone hit the ground.

The doors were locked.

Without thinking I kicked the door down.

I saw Sasha on the ground with a bloody nose and her parents standing over her.

I pushed them to the ground and picked Sasha up and put her in my car.

She woke up from being unconscious. 

I'm so disappointed in you I said to her you should have told me I could have stopped this.

She started to cry are you going to hurt me she asked?

I gently wiped the tears from her eyes sorry she repeated over and over.

What are your parents names?

Michelle and Jude.

I'm calling child services I said.

No you can't she said wrestling the phone from my hands.

I was so scared to wrestle the phone back from  her.

I gently said please let me I want to protect you.

I'm here to protect you baby girl not hurt you. I don't want to hurt you.

I wiped the blood of her face with a warm towel hoping she wouldn't get upset. Her eyes were so black her eyes were so innocent her face looked.

I called.

I wanted to keep this girl safe.

I told my parents everything suddenly I was in tears.
I love you to pieces Sasha I don't want to see you in pain.

How could anyone do this? Hurt their child?

Sandy some people are just like this they need help. We would never hurt you and we would never hurt Sasha.

I'm so disappointed in this situation she lied to me.

Most people being abused do lie about it. They just do. I'm just so worried they'll get her back.

We are so sorry that she didn't want you to know.

She probably was scared that you would react.

She wrestled with me over a phone call.

She's scared Sandy.

You are going to be her hero you will protect her she's your hero in a way too.

Sandy I'm tired can we cuddle?

She's going to protect you my parents said to Sasha.

We went to my room.

Sasha not much smaller than me laid on my bed. I picked her up and put her into the blankets wrapping my arms around her waist she snuggled into my chest.

I sang to her. I'm so sleepy she said.

Poor poor girl.

I whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

Does everyone else know about me she asked?

No sweetie.

Are you going to tell them?

I want them to know.

I can't tell them.

You don't have to I will tell them sweetie.

Sandy I love you.

I love you baby girl I just want to protect you forever.

Sandy can you sing me another song?

I sang her another song gently.

I can save your life I want to keep you safe.

I've never been or felt safe before.

We can keep you safe.

You are officially an Olsson.

You are like my baby sister.

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