Hiding secrets

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Trigger warnings.

I was taking a walk when my parents found me. They knocked me out unconscious.

Sandy's POV
I'm worried sick Sasha told me she wanted to take a walk alone to get some fresh air and still wasn't back.

I took a walk to find her and I couldn't.

Back to Sasha
I woke up and walked home.

I walked in the house knowing the Olosson's were probably going to be angry with me for being late.

I walked in with a bloody nose.

Kid are you okay Sandy asked me?

I fell and fainted that's all.

No you are lying to me I can tell.
I'm not lying to you.
Yes you are.

Sorry she finally said.
I'm going to kill them I said. I'm angry and I can't believe that they hit her I thought .

Then I felt angry with Sasha for lying to me.
I yelled in my pillow so I didn't yell at Sasha it wasn't all her fault it was mine for letting her go off on her own.

I talked to the girls. I told them everything.
Sandy? I heard.

Hi sweetheart I said looking up at the fragile girl at my door. Can you tell me I'm not stupid?

You're not stupid but why would you ask me that?

She showed me a note from her parents.

I took it gently from her hands and showed my parents.

I'm going to kill them.

No Sandy don't do it.

Protect Sasha but don't hurt anyone.

Give me a reason why I shouldn't beat the ever living crap out of them.

1 It's so unlike you to curse.
2 You aren't the type of person to fight.
3 Sasha needs you.

My rules are changing they laid their hands on her again without me present I feel like I messed up and if I have to call The T-Birds for reinforcements I will.

You know we don't approve of the T- Birds after Danny cheated on you.

I remembered Danny cheated on me.
That fight was ugly.

Rizzo is still with Kenicke I'll get her to call him instead.

Sandy Sasha's sleeping.
I looked at Sasha who was on the couch asleep.

The big sister instinct in me I lifted her up and made sure she was comfortably laying on my chest.

I was going to protect her at all costs.

I went into the spare bedroom and I saw a razor on the ground.

There was some blood on it.

It hit me that Sasha was cutting.

No I yelled!

My parents ran in and asked what's wrong?

Sasha's cutting I can't believe she's hiding this from me.

Sasha was just starting to wake up.

You alright I asked her?

Yes I slept peacefully after my bad dreams.

Is there anything you want to talk about?

No I'm just thirsty.

I want a word with you.
Yes Sandy her voice cracking.

I know what you did.
I showed her the razor.

The worst thing to happen happened.

She climbed on me wrestled with me for her razor.

I hate you right now she said.

I'm sorry you feel that way kid I said.

My parents asked what happened?

We wrestled and she hates me.

You know she doesn't mean it when she says that she hates you. If anything I think she's afraid you'd hate her because she lied to you.

Sasha I want a word I said.

I'm not talking to you.

We need to talk.


Why are you doing this?

She jumped on me causing us to wrestle again for the second time in only five minutes.

I hate you she said again I'm never talking to you again.

I walked away.

I tried I said crying talking to my parents. I tried but I failed she won't talk and when I ask she just wants to wrestle.

Do you think she's scared even with the slightest touch that I'll hurt her?

Yes we do think that is possible.

Why do you think she's cutting?

To take away any pain that her family caused her because when you cut it's so painful that it takes away any pain anyones ever caused her.

I'm scared she's going to seriously take it too far.

Sasha came out of her room.

Hi honey are you alright?

I'm fine.

Sasha why are you doing this to yourself?

Because it takes away all my other pain okay?

We told you Sandy.

I'm disappointed that she won't talk to me.

We heard a knock at the door that's when I saw Sasha pass out.

It was her parents again.
I wanted to cause them bodily harm. I was about to get physical when my parents pulled me back.


My parents said no but I wasn't playing.

I'm going to kill someone.

Do it they threatened.

I'm not scared of you I've wrestled with big bad and worse people than you before.

Why don't you call the police?
No I have people much scarier.

I called Danny
I need you and the T-Birds here at my house right now!

On our way Danny said.

Danny arrived rather quickly and the memories of us flooded back.

Danny right now I need you to take these jerks to the Police station.

I cupped my hands on her face. They aren't going to hurt you anymore sweetie I said.

I pulled her into a hug I felt tears on my shirt. My heart shattered I hated to see her so upset.
I love you baby girl I love you.

Sandy are you going to protect me forever?
I'm going to protect you for as long as I can.

Danny and the other T-Birds were still there.

I'm tired Sandy.

Take a little nap I have some business to take care of.

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