Tom wrestles with Danny

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Tom was still upset about the fact he hurt Sandy.

The T-Birds came over and Danny started mocking Tom.

Oh Sandy I just absolutely adore you. I could never hurt you kiss kiss.

Tom jumped on Danny causing them to wrestle on the ground.

Sandy pulled Tom off of Danny and Sonny pulled Danny away from Tom.

What's wrong with you guys Sandy asked?
Danny Zuko was mocking me for falling in love with you.

The only reason you ever got the opportunity was because she broke up with me. First off whatever happened to Cha Cha seeing you?

She didn't like me and left but she certainly wasn't going back with you.

Thomas if I were to scratch you right now would you react?

Danny don't scratch him stop fighting and cool off.

Tom wrestled me first off.

You deserved it jerk.

Tom you are so brave to start a fight with Danny.

That punk gave me a black eye.

He started the fight anyway.

Danny is not good at sports anyway.

Tom honey why did you care about him mocking you?

Because I'm in love with you still in a way but so is he. I'm really going to destroy the next person who mocks me about you.

Tom come to the principals office now it said on the announcements.

Tom we have been informed that you got into a fight with Danny.

He started it.

Who was a witness.

Sandy Olosson.

Sandy the sweetest thing ever we can't question her about this.

Please bring her and Danny here.

Danny Zuko and Sandy Olosson report to the Office.

Tom snuggled into Sandy's chest when she came in doing it in front of Danny.
I'm going to mess you up.
Bring it jerk.

They started rolling around wrestling in the Principals office.

Sandy pulled Tom off of Danny.

You guys are both suspended for fighting in school.

GREAT Tom shouted!

Look let them off easy Sandy said they are both just having hard feelings.

They both cheated on you Principal McGee said.

One more chance if they screw up then suspend them.

Danny kicked Me but I wasn't going to fight back this time.

Rough me up Danny Zuko I yelled.

Danny was kicking and scratching at me.

There were mats in the gym.

If you want to continue with this then let's go in the gym.

We wrestled behind a mat.

Of course sweet innocent Sandy walked into the gym and saw us rolling around.

Look Sandy I said. No Danny said we had no choice but to wrestle. You guys promised you wouldn't continue to wrestle because of suspension.

Sandy look I have to tell.

Danny We understand.

Tom I still love and adore you beautiful princess.

Danny Puke.

Sandy Danny!

Danny sorry Sandy.

Sandy I love you too Tom.

Sandy please don't tell on us Tom begged me.

Alright but know that there's cameras in here so you two aren't completely off the hook and neither am I.

Alright go ahead and tell Principal McGee.

I went into the office.

I got Tom Danny wrestling in the gym they said they understand that they have to be turned in for lying.

Thank you sweet Sandy she said.

The boys were suspended for two weeks for fighting but to be honest Tom was suckered into it.

I went to see Danny at home. Danny was punching a punching bag and yelling let's go.

Sorry Sandy I'm just frustrated.

You should be this fight would probably never have happened had you not cheated on me got broken up with Cha Cha and got jealous.

I'm not jealous of that jerk.

There's a little bit of anger envy and resentment in you Danny she said tickling me. I was very ticklish and she knew how to make me feel better. Let's roll around wrestling I heard in my head.
Sandy asked me are you alright?
How did I lose her?
I'm alright Sandy I said.
You like Tom?
I love him but he also cheated on me.

I'm not sure if I can ever find true love again.
Hearing her say that broke my heart I caused her so much pain. She was the girl I stay up thinking about at night because I love her.

Bye Danny she said.
Solemnly I said bye Sandy.

She chuckled before leaving. I sat on my deck trying to not cry I really screwed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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