Tom asks me out

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I opened it to see Tom was standing there with flowers.

Tom you are terribly sweet.

He said I love the way you say Terribly all the time it's literal perfection.

I know you just broke up with Danny but will you go out with me?


I really adore you Sandy you are so beautiful and so caring. I would never hurt you.

I'll take you to the Frosty Palace.

I loved you ever since you moved here.

Actually I loved you back is Australia in first grade.


We had to read a book together and I was a terrible reader and you patiently went through words with me. You were so soft spoken yet I understood everything you said.

Will you please give me a chance?

Yes sweetheart I'll give you a chance.

I'm in love with you and I'd treat you right like a lady like a queen.

My parents we like him.
Sasha I approve.

Frenchie, Jan, Marty and Rizzo we adore him.

Tom and I adore her.

Alright let's go Tom.

If you hurt her we will haunt you.

Dad! 😳

Just kidding.

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