Disappointed in Sasha Green

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I saw Sasha hanging out with the Plastics and they were up to no good I just knew it.

I had to stop her.

I noticed she had written in their burn book about me out of all people.

I let out a few tears.

Mom Dad it's terrible Sasha's become a plastic and she's written about me in their burn book.
They are a bunch of fake and phonies.

I went into my room I saw a picture of Sasha with the plastics I was most disappointed in her. I saw another picture of her from when she was a little girl I smiled at the picture.

She came in that night and I took her into my room.

I don't want to make you cry but I'm really disappointed in you I don't like who you are becoming.

You're a pink she said.

At least the pinks care about each other and care about others. I'm really disappointed that I found notes in my own room from you calling me a Bleep in their burn book. Shame on you Sasha I'd do anything for you. I walked out in tears. I heard Sasha start to cry but I was too angry to care.

I cooled off and went back in my room. I saw Sasha fell asleep. I gently lifted her to put her under the covers. I'm still disappointed in you but I love you I said. I'm going to keep you safe though matter what happens between us.

I'm sorry Sandy I heard.
I thought you were asleep love bug.
I can't sleep.
Why you alright?
I'm having bad dreams that you are mad and wants to hurt me.
No don't say that I'd never physically hurt you please don't think that way.
She cried into my chest.
Sasha sweetie don't cry.
I'm scared.
I love you to the moon and back again.
I won't leave your side not unless you want me to.
She hugged me and I said I'm going to stay with you until you feel safe. I love you baby girl.
I love you Sandy.

The Pinks meets the Plastics Where stories live. Discover now