Their fight

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Sasha and I were definitely like Sisters we would fight.

Today was the first fight we ever had ended up on the ground.

We both swore we were never going to talk to each other again.

She walked out after we wrestled.

I stood up wiping my shirt that was dirty.

When I realized that Sasha left the house.

Nooo I yelled.

I ran out of the house hoping to catch up with Sasha.

Sasha honey I yelled I'm sorry baby girl.

Sasha I'm going to find you honey I have to.

I caught up to her finally I went to see if she was alright when a car hit her.

I balled my eyes out.

I was the reason she was in this condition. I put her in my car and drove her to the hospital.

I weeped while I explained to the nurse what happened.

Sandy she's going to be alright but she's in pain.

Sasha waking up.

Do you know where you are?

No and who are you?

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