Strand a New After He Died

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It was raining, dark, silent, a female dragon born cradling her wounded little brother in the dark cave while her eyes were tearing up.

???: Yazi! Yazi! Stay with me! Stay with big sister! Yazi!

Yazi: Sis- Sister...

The little brother spew out blood from his mouth

???: Shush... Don't talk... Shuush... Everything is going to be alright... Breathe, just breathe...

Yazi: Sister... P- Please... L- Live y- your life... T- To the f- fullest...

???: No, No, No, Yazi? Yazi? Yazi? Please don't close your eye. Don't leave your sister alone. Please...

The little dragon laid his last breath, his eyes went dark, and his heart stopped beating. The sister tried to shake her little brother's dead body

???: Yazi? ... Yazi! Hic Yazi! Wake up! Wake up! No! YAZI!!!! NO!! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... God... NO!

Cradling his body, she hugs her to feel his last warmth before it goes cold forever. She screams, hugging his dead brother. Yazi's body let out a final vapor that releases his soul to the afterlife.

"Oh... My soul is drifting...  I finally died. A mute person like me is only a burden to the Lóng family. I hope my death brings more peace rather than denial. I hope my sister listens to my request. I really do. Hm? Is that a light?" Yazi thought

"Come, young dragon. Your story may end in that world, but now your story will start a new one in this world. Welcome to Terra, Yazi Lóng." A voice from the light said

Yazi was confused. Suddenly Yazi's soul was dragged to the light. 


A white-haired girl with a horn was sobbing in the river. 


The girl saw his reflections in the water. She only saw her face covered in blood. A tear falls on the water rippling through her reflection. 

???: Ch'en... I missed you.

A sound bush being moved alerted the girl immediately unsheathe her sword

???: Who's there!?

Back to Yazi

Yazi opens his eyes and sees he is bathing in the sunlight while surrounded by a tree. That scenery alone is enough to make him feel at home. He decided to touch the soil of the world he got in. It was almost the same as the word he used to live in. The only different thing was the air. Yazi could feel the air bit polluted by something, so Yazi decided to wake up and take a stroll to find fresh air. He walks then

???: Damn it! Damn it all!

Yazi heard a girl shouting from the river. Shockingly he knew her language. Yet he decided to ignore her, but he heard her crying and decided to come to her aid. 

???: Who's there!?

The girl pointed her sword at the bush where Yazi accidentally stumbled. Yazi shows himself to the girl slowly. The girl had horns and a tail, which startled Yazi because he had never seen people with horns and tail

???: Who are you? State your name!

Yazi used his hand sign, but the girl didn't understand. Then she realized Yazi was mute. She sheaths her sword back

???: Oh! Oh... I'm sorry. Please stay away from me. I- I don't want to hurt you

Yazi shrugs it off and comes by her side, seeing she is covered in bruises and blood. Most of the blood wasn't hers though Yazi put his hand on her shoulder and began to transfer her wounds to his body. He makes sure the wounds do not get noticed by her. 

Arknights: A Quiet Dragon (Talulah x OC)Where stories live. Discover now