The Draco's Heart

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Meanwhile, in Tellus, before 'The Deathless White Dragon' incident

Fenrir: This doesn't make sense. How could this happen?

Fenrir stands before an empty coffin, her heart pounding with confusion and dread. The night had been unforgiving, the silence too loud, as she dug her brother's grave only to find an empty casket. She had witnessed his death, felt the cold lifelessness of his body. Every night she guarded his grave, allowing no grave robber near. How could Yazi's body have disappeared?

Sara: Fenrir-sama, there is no trace of this coffin being violated by the grave robber.

Fenrir stumbles back to her room, her thoughts a whirlwind. She searches for the stone her brother gave her, a stone that glows to signify life and dims to signify death. With trembling hands, she opens the box only to find the stone glowing a vivid red.

"This is Drachen's stone," she thinks, the realization crashing over her like a wave. The memory of the sudden flame at her brother's grave haunts her. Yazi is alive, somewhere. But how? She saw him die. She felt his body grow cold. Unless...

Driven by desperation, Fenrir rushes to the family library, frantically searching for a specific book. Her mother, Shan, sees her and decides to help.

Shan: Fen, what are you searching for?

Fenrir: Mother... I need the book on the mythology of reincarnation.

Shan: Why are you searching for that book?

Fenrir: I must confirm something, Mother.

Shan sighs and snaps her fingers, a book flying into her hand.

Shan: Here. I don't understand, Fenrir. If you believe your brother has reincarnated, stop. This isn't it, Fen.

Fenrir doesn't hear her mother's warning. She opens the book and begins to read, her heart racing.

Page 3: "One of the symptoms of a Tellusian being reincarnated is the sudden disappearance of their corpse, usually occurring 1-3 weeks after the subject's death."

Page 5: "When a person is reincarnated, their soul-bound items will also be reincarnated with them."

Her face pales. She drops the book and runs to her late brother's room.

Shan: Fen!? What are you doing???

Fenrir bursts into the room, destroying the door in her haste. She ransacks the closet, searching for a specific case.

Shan: Fenrir Drachen! What are you doing!?

Finding the case, Fenrir opens it and gasps. It's empty. The case that once held her brother's beloved, soul-bound spear is empty. She falls to her knees, clutching the glowing crimson stone. Tears stream down her face.

Fenrir: Hahaha... Hahaha...

Shan recognizes the stone, her eyes widening in horror.

Shan: Is that... Yazi's?

Fenrir's fleeting joy shatters as she sees the stone start to bleed. The scent of the blood is unmistakable—Yazi's blood, tainted with Drachen's curse. Shan, too, understands the terrible implication.

Shan: Oh my god... Oh god. Sara, bring the soul messenger now!

Fenrir: Yazi, oh god, why? Why must you suffer more? My poor little brother.

As they run, the stone in Fenrir's hand begins to crack.

Fenrir: Mother!!! It cracked!! It cracked!! His soul is cracking!!!

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