The Start of Reunion

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"A month has passed, and Yazi is still in a coma. I am getting worried. Talulah didn't dare to leave Yazi's side." Alina thought while letting out sighs

Meanwhile, Talulah and Dr. Pitsy, the Doctor who transferred Talulah's blood to Yazi, took care of Yazi. Yazi's complexion does get better day by day. He's now stable and healed almost all of his wounds.

Dr. Pitsy: Talulah, you need to get some rest. It's been three days since I saw you slept. Not to mention this is midnight.

Talulah: It's alright, Doctor. I'll sleep beside him

Dr. Pitsy sighs and goes to leave Talulah and Yazi. Talulah caressed Yazi's hair. She seemed sleepless she had bags under her eyes, and her hair was messy. She had been taking care of Yazi while handling some group of the infected. She only had three hours of sleep a day

Talulah: I'm a bit tired, heh. Yazi, do you remember? Our first meeting in the past three years? I hardly see you slept before... Yet you always let someone rest in peace. Seeing you sleep like that now makes me feel at ease somehow

Talulah puts her head beside Yazi and goes to close her eyes to sleep

Eight hours later

"It's been eight hours, and Talulah hasn't come out from Yazi's room. I am worried." Alina thought

Alina decided to go to Yazi's room. She saw Talulah sleeping on Yazi's bed, but Yazi was nowhere to be found. Alina began to panic, but the feeling of panic soon changed into a surprise. In the corner of the room was Yazi shushing Alina not to wake Talulah. Yazi then got up and kissed Talulah on the forehead. He then goes outside with Alina. He lays his hand on Alina's shoulder.

"So, what do I miss?" Yazi's voice was heard on Alina's head

Alina smiled and told Yazi what he missed

Several hours later

Talulah woke up and was surprised she was on Yazi's bed. Talulah was in panic mode, looking left and right to find Yazi.

Talulah: Yazi? Yazi!?

She checked every corner of the room. She gets up and opens the door only to be met by sunrise in the morning, people chatting so happily and birds chirping. Talulah sees an infected child playing together in the park, which confuses her.

Alina: Talulah! You're awake!

Talulah grabs Alina's shoulder.

Talulah: Alina, where's-

Alina: Relax, relax. He's there

Talulah sees Yazi giving sweets to the children. Seeing the refuge was so lively puts Talulah at ease.

Alina: He's been helping all of the refugees. I can't even believe it myself that Yazi changed the environment very quickly.

Talulah smiled while Yazi noticed Talulah smile and waved at her. Talulah had tears in her eyes seeing Yazi finally awaken. Concerned, Yazi goes to Talulah and wipes her tears. Talulah then hugs him tightly.

Talulah: Thank god you're safe.

Yazi hugs her back


Yazi, Talulah, and Alina were negotiating with a Wendigo Sarkaz and a white Cautus

???: So this is the man you've been talking about... He's so small

???: Father, don't be rude. He's still a guest

???: Sighs Yalena, I only acknowledge strongmen

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