To Accompany The Injured

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???: Happy birthday, Yazi!

???: Happy birthday, son!

Yazi blew up all of the candles. 

???: What do you wish for your thirteen birthday, Yazi?

Yazi ran and began to pick a piece of paper.

"I want to have a picnic with you all." Yazi wrote while smiling 

???: Of course, we can have a Picnic on Yáolán hill together

"Thank you, mother." Yazi wrote

"Oh, Yazi. My little brother, your wish was never fulfilled because of this incompetent sister." Yazi's sister thought.

Flashback ends

Maid Sara: Lady Fenrir, Lady Fenrir, wake up. It's 11 o'clock.

Fenrir: Ugh... I thought I tell you to wake me at 6 

Maid: Yes, but Madam Shan didn't want you to have sleep deprivation

Fenrir sighs and goes to her drawer. She uses his daily clothing there in the mirror. She saw her reflections. Her complexion was pale her gray hair was rugged. Fenrir shrugged it off and went to the dining table, where she ate a minimum amount of food. After finishing, she goes outside with a lotus flower

???: Fen? Where are you going?

Fenrir: Oh! Mom, I was trying to get some fresh air

Shan looked at her daughter and noticed the lotus flower. Shan sighs

Shan: Fenrir, it's been three years. You can't go like this every day. This is not what your brother wants

Fenrir: But-

Shan: Fenrir, please let go of the past. I know it hurts. It breaks my heart that I lost my son. But I can't let my last child wither away in agony.

Fenrir could only nod.

Fenrir: Y- Yes... But please just let me put this flower one last time

Shan agreed and kissed her daughter on the cheek. Fenrir then goes to Yazi's grave

Yazi Lóng


"His wish remained unfulfilled, yet his satisfaction was fulfilled. May his soul rest."

Fenrir cleans Yazi's grave and puts the lotus flower on top of the grave

Fenrir: Hey, Yazi. Did you miss me?

Only silent answer her back

Fenrir: It's been lonely down here. You know it's spring, right? Your sakura tree is blooming. Don't worry, Sara and I always take care of it like you always do.

The wind blew, breezing Fenrir.

Fenrir: Hey... I hope you're okay up there. Yazi, please have some ease. Your sister is taking all of your plants...

Fenrir had tears rolling down her cheek

Fenrir: Hey, Yazi. How have you been up there?



The woodcut in twain was heard while the snow was falling on Yazi's shoulder.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

???: Wow, your youngster does have really good stamina. I barely see you getting tired despite cutting hundreds of woods. Not to mention it's the middle of the winter

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