The Silent Dragon

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???: Yazi! Yazi! WAKE UP!

Alina was shouting at the unconscious Yazi. 


Talulah: Alina! We're losing him!


Talulah: Yazi! YAZI! YAZI!!!!

Yazi was unconscious, blood splattering from his mouth to his body

Alina: Talulah, take a cloth again. He's going to scream again!

Talulah: O- Okay

Yazi opened his eyes. All he could see was red. His mouth was filled with cloth preventing him from screaming even further. His lungs were nothing but a space now. He felt his chest burning so badly that he wanted to scream.

Yazi: M- Mph!

Talulah: Yazi! H- He's awake!


Yazi's cloth began to redden from his blood due to the unbearable pain 

Talulah: YAZI! 


"Ah... This is familiar with this pain... Where have I felt this before..." Yazi thought

Talulah: Yazi! Yazi!

Yazi heard Talulah voice fading away. He could feel his entire body burning alive.

Talulah: NO! STAY! STAY! YAZI!

Meanwhile in Tellus

Shan has a hard time sleeping. She feels like she still can feel Yazi is still alive somewhere. Her mother's heart was shattered when she found out her daughter had cradled his dead son. She felt hopeless. She felt a part of her soul was taken. Shan then touched her abdomen, where her womb was located. She could remember it well when Yazi was born prematurely. She felt happy, yet she had a fear due to Yazi being born prematurely, but that fear was soon confirmed. As soon as Yazi was born, he cried. Shan only felt a sense of dread. When Yazi cries, blood comes out of his mouth, splattering Shan's face. It traumatized her for a lifetime. Yazi doesn't stop crying and bleeding. Shan desperately begs the doctor to find out what's happening to Yazi, but they're in the same boat as Shan. They don't know what is happening to Yazi. Shan was so distressed hearing from the doctor that Yazi won't survive an extreme condition like that. Shan sees Yazi in the incubator, and she lets down a tear for her son. Yazi was looking so pale and thin she wanted to cradle Yazi. She falters, crying beside Yazi. 

Shan: I'm sorry, mommy can't give you a healthy body

Fenrir then comes to Shan's side hugging her 

Fenrir: Don't worry, mommy... Everything is going to be alright.

The next day Yazi stopped crying. Though shocking at first, the doctors thought it was good for Yazi as his bleeding stopped, and the doctor found out what was causing Yazi to bleed. His lungs and vocal cords were broken from premature birth hearing, breaking Shan's heart.

"I- I did this to him." Shan thought to herself

The doctor said she needed a voice muffler for Yazi, a magical item to mute oneself. Having no other choice, Shan agreed to give Yazi a voice muffler.

End of flashback

Shan was holding Yazi's broken voice muffler. It has a cracked magic core. It was the last thing that Shan had ever retrieved before his body was buried.

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