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Naruto and Itachi were doing a D rank mission which was to paint the fence of an house. Naruto was getting anxious that he would only get D rank mission. He had done more than 100 D mission in the time of two months. Naruto knew that it takes 50 D rank mission to start getting c Rank mission.

Hiruzen was happy to give Naruto a C rank mission but Itachi wanted to train Naruto more so he asked Hiruzen to not give him any mission outside the village.

Naruto had learned 火遁, Katon he had yet to master it but it was learning quickly. He started making his own style with Kurama'a chakra. He called Kitsunebi style (Japanese: 狐火 or きつねび, meaning "fox fire")

Naruto learned that by adding Kurama's chakra he could manipulate the techniques and made it more deadly.

The flames in this techniques were blue and burned hotter and brighter than any fire but they were extinguishable unlike "Amaterasu!".

Naruto was done with the mission so he reported to Itachi. Itachi went to report it Hokage.

Naruto was going to home as he found Hinata standing alone outside the shop she seemed to  nervous to inside.

Naruto went beside her and put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Naruto was no fool he knew Hinata liked him and he found her attractive so he was not going to let that get chance go.

Hinata was shocked from the sudden contact as she turned behind she found that Naruto was holding her. She blushed red and fainted.

Naruto sweat drop at Hinata's reaction but he knew the girl was too shy to do anything. So he picked her up in a bridal style and carried her under a tree as he was not to sure where to take her. He was sure that she needed something from that shop but he did know what she needed and it would be a waste of time if she had to come back.

So Naruto sat down under the tree and laid Hinata on his lap.


Naruto was taught by Jiraiya he was an expert in dealing with woman, except his mother she was the only woman Naruto did not know how to handle her. He was taught by Jiraiya but he was not a pervert he respected them. As she was raised by a single mother.

He knew if got caught he could always throw Jiraiya under the bus after all he was his Godfather.

As Hinata slowly started to rise.

Hinata opened her eyes she saw she was under a tree as she looked around she found out that she was sitting on Naruto's lap. Which made her blush she was about to faint again but Naruto stopped it pecking her on her cheeks, which made Hinata's brain restart.

Naruto took this chance and got up while caring Hinata in bridal style.

Hinata was not sure what was going on but she was enjoying it.

Naruto carried her to the shop so she could get what she needed.

Hinata requested that Naruto put her down as it was to embarrassing for her. Naruto put her down gently but held her hand. Which was not an issue for Hinata.

Inside Hinata's mind chibi Hinata was running around throwing confetti in air. 

Hinata got her ninja supply from the shop. Staying close to Naruto made her more confident.

"Do you want to go some place to eat?" asked Naruto.

Hinata just Nodded.

As Naruto dragged her to his  go-to food place.

Naruto entered the shop with Hinata, while still holding here hand.

Teuchi saw Naruto and a big smile came to his face as Naruto was his favorite customer. He enjoyed seeing satisfaction on Naruto's face as ate his ramen.

Teuchi welcomed Naruto inside and asked Ayame to put a close sign outside as when Naruto comes he eats everything there in nothing left for others.

Ayame saw Naruto holding a girls hand she squealed with joy. As she thought of Naruto as his little brother and her brother brought a girl hear means he is interested in the girl or he was dating the girl.

Naruto saw the reaction of Ayame and had a Sweatdrop.

Naruto and Hinata are ramen with Naruto talking and Hinata replying as she was to shy to start the conversation. Naruto came to know a lot of things about Hinata how her father treated her how the clan treated her. He also came to know Hinata had a crush on Naruto since Naruto was 3 years.

Naruto was shocked that she knew who he was. She explained how Naruto save her from the bullies when she was a kid she recognized the chakra signature and figured it out. She was happy for Naruto as he was getting a fair treatment know.

The thing that shocked Naruto Teuchi and Ayame was that how Hinata was able to eat same amount of ramen as Naruto. Naruto thought she had one of kurama's sibling inside her.

As they finished Naruto asked to pack rest off the meat left with them. He was taking this for Kurama as Kurama loved the meat from this place.

As they were done Naruto escorted Hinata back to her home. As when they were about to reach the corner Naruto pulled Hinata in a dark ally so nobody can see them.

Hinata was shocked by this but before she could say a thing Naruto kissed her on lips. She was shocked but retuned it with an equal passion. Naruto rubbed her lower lip with his tongue asking her for access to her mouth to witch she obliged as their tongue battled for dominance.

Naruto pulled her closer so much that there was no air left between them Hinata put both of her arm around Naruto's neck and Naruto put his first arm supporting Hinata's head and other one on her ass witch he squeezed to get a moan out of Hinata.

As they separated after 15.min both desperate for oxygen. Naruto thought this was only thing appropriate for their age.

Naruto then dropped Hinata of her place but not before some more kisses. 

Unknown to Naruto Tsunade and Jiraiya were watching the whole thing from the start as Jiraiya came to town and wanted to meet Naruto but what they found was more than interesting. 

As Naruto left for home they decided that they will have a talk with Naruto tomorrow as It was a mother's job to embarrass his kid.


To be continued........... 

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