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Naruto opened his eye's looked around the unfamiliar surrounding. He got up and went down stairs where he found Itachi, kakashi and others sitting on table having breakfast. Naruto joined them as they ate their breakfast. Tsunami the daughter of old man greeted Naruto.

As everyone was enjoying the meal suddenly the door opened and a child came inside, he wore a green jumpsuit with a yellow shirt and a simple pair of sandals. He also wore a blue and white striped hat.

He looked at the people present there he suddenly had scowl on his face. 

Why did you come here? Gatō will kill you all. Said the kid.

The room grew silent as Naruto got up from the table and went toward the kid with a smile on his face he got in his knees so that he could speak face to face with the kid.

Kid we here are Ninja's from the hidden leaf village we are trained professionals we know how to take care of the Idiot's like this you have got nothing to worry about kid. Said Naruto as the other's nodded in agreement.

You don't understand he has killed people he killed my father, he threatened to rape my mother. cried the kid.

As the temperature of room dropped drastically. Naruto shut his fist tightly turning in knuckle white. As he released his killer intent. People in the room were having an hard time breathing.

Naruto saw this and stopped his killer intent. You don't need to worry about it we can take care of him, Naruto said while ruffling kids hair.

Naruto went outside to vent out his frustration. He cant take action till the confirmation is arrived from Hokage.

He was venting out his anger by punching trees which was not a good option as tree's were unable to chakra enhanced punches. He was just creating a mess nothing else said kurama.

He promised to fix this with 木遁, Mokuton 


"Will it calm my mind?"


Naruto nodded and lied on the ground and closed his eyes. As the soft wind blew Naruto enjoyed the sensation. His body started to relax , he stopped thinking which caused him to fall asleep.

Karama being a sleeping expert did the same.

In the house a monkey appeared with letter from Hokage giving them permission to kill Gato. It also contained a message for Naruto and zabuza.

Itachi got off and went to find Naruto.

Itachi was in forest searching for Naruto.

He saw the destruction of the place and thought naruto would be near.

As he approached the place he found Naruto sleeping in the grass but he was not alone there was a girl sleeping on his chest. The girl wore here long hair loosely, and wore a pink, sleeveless kimono, with pale red edges and decorated with small plum-coloured swirls, that went to here ankles. Around here waist was a simple white obi tied in a bow, and he wore a pair of light brown sandals with dark straps.

Itachi did not understood how Naruto was able to get girls like they were bowl of ramen and he had trouble asking Izumi on a date he will take tips from Naruto later.

Itachi shook Naruto. He slowly opened his eyes he tried to get up but he felt wait on his chest.

He looked and found a girl cuddle next to him with her head on his chest.

Naruto looked Itachi for answers but Itachi was busy laughing at Naruto's reaction.

The commotion woke the girl up. She got up dusted her Kimono and gave Naruto her hand to stand up. Naruto took her hand and got up.

Who are you and what were you doing on top of me asked Naruto.

My name is Haku and I work for Zabuza sama I came here to give the message and the reason i was on top of you was.

Naruto and itachi leaned into listen.

I don't like to be at bottom. Said Haku with a strait face.

Naruto and Itachi fell face first on the ground.

Itachi then asked girl to bring Zabuza to Tsuna's house as they had to discuss something with him we will hear Zabuza's message there.

Haku nodded and disappeared.

Naruto and Itachi left for the house not before Naruto fixed the forest.

After 30 min there was knock on the door.

Zabuza and Haku came inside. All the sinboi sat on the table.

So what did you want asked Zabuza.

Well we reported the incident to Hokage sama and he had send a message for you.

Itachi handed him a scroll.

Zabuza opened the scroll and read what was inside it and a smile lased his face. Naruto who was confused what was in the scroll.

Zabuza saw this and gave Naruto scroll to read.

As Naruto read the context of the scroll his eyes bulged out.

You have been summoned to support the resistance in hidden mist by Mei Terumī the head of resistance all your charges will be forgiven and you will get a fresh start. said naruto.

All were shocked at this.

Naruto there is a letter for you too. said Itachi.

Naruto read the scroll and his face had an evil grin.

What did say asked Itachi.

We all aloud to kill Gato take fees of an s rank mission from his belonging and distribute the  rest to village and zabuza equally to support the resistance.

There was nothing in it for you to grin like that said itachi.

Ohh he aloud me to go all out. Said Naruto.

Itachi went pale.

Naruto got up and left.

Were is he going asked haku.

He is going to kill Gato said Utachi.

He cant go there alone its to risky for him Said sasuke.

Well Sasuke you should pray for gato because he is going to need it. We dont have to worry about him he is strong enough to wipe 1000 shinobi before he even broke a sweat.

Everyone went pale at the statement.


To be continued......... 

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