Wren was no stranger to challenges in the domain. She had spent the majority of her time clearing them, anyway. It was a great way to train, with the endless supply of mobs just waiting to be slaughtered- and a less chance that she would hurt anyone; it was a death sentence for the visionless to wander into a domain, and even the bravest adventurers stayed clear of them. It was really only other vision holders she had had to look out for. But she had never entered a domain with companions, preferring to work alone- but she found it wasn't so bad, for the most part. She didn't have to create all the elemental reactions by herself. Wren found that Lumine's swirl worked wonders when Kaeya faced off against electro opponents, triggering the overload reaction. Working together was definitely more entertaining- it was fun to watch slimes being blasted into the air, and competing to see who could whip through their respective rooms the fastest. But the best part, obviously, was reaping the rewards for their hard work. Wren grinned as she looted the precious chest at the end of the domain, accompanied by an eager Lumine. The two shared a look as they both pulled several artifacts and scrap pages of wanderer's advice from the chest. Only a fellow traveler would know the true value of this stuff. Not Kaeya, who stood a few meters behind them and watching them with mild interest.
"Well," Kaeya swung his sword languidly through the air, looking rather pleased with himself as he caught it in the air. "That's over and done with. Our compatibility surprises me... we make a good team, the three of us, don't you think?" Wren gave him a look. "Whatever you're thinking..." Kaeya gave her a toothy grin. "I'm not thinking anything~" He said in a mocking, sing song voice, laughing lightly as she threw a potato (yes, a potato) towards his head. "Well yeah, but you have that face again." He raised an eyebrow. "What face?" "The I'm thinking of something dumb face." "Well, those thoughts are of a pure intellectual-" She snorted.
Meanwhile, Lumine watched their banter from the sidelines. Beside her, Paimon appeared in a flurry of glowing blue constellations. "Lumineeee~ Paimon wants chicken skewers-" The blond continued to stare, ignoring her companions whines for food. Noticing her disinterest in their one sided conversation, the floating mascot stopped. Her gaze turned towards Wren and Kaeya, the former of which was now trying to beat the cavalry captain with a pocket grimoire. "Should we stop them?" Lumine mused out loud. She pulled out a burlap sack and began shoving the contents of the chest inside. Paimon thought for a moment before shaking her tiny head. "Paimon doesn't think so," She said. She paused before continuing. "...Lumine?" The outlander stopped. "Yeah?" "Do you think there's something going on between the Calvary Captain and Miss Wren?" Lumine turned back to the pair in front of her, who had finally calmed down, Kaeya seemingly slightly frazzled as Wren stood beside him, obviously scolding him even from a distance. She smirked. "Ha- you know, maybe there is." The girl turned towards her floating companion. "Come on," She said. "We don't want to interrupt a lover's quarrel, don't we?"
Dvalin's lair
"So how does this work?" Wren asked as she stared up at the ruins in front of her. All around it, vicious winds whipped around in circles, so harsh it was like a solid boundary preventing anyone from getting in or out, despite being air. The only way in, was the entrance through the elevated pathway they were standing on. There was no way they could glide in, anyway- there wasn't a high enough mountain for miles. "Do we just waltz right in?" Beside her, Venti shook his head. "It won't be that easy," He said solemnly. "This whole place is infested with hilichurls, slimes... the odd ruin guard... Dvalin's presence has only stirred them up." So they would have to fight. No problem.
As they cautiously made their way into the ruins, Wren noted the strange currents that flowed within it. They didn't seem to flow naturally- she and Lumine giggled as they stealthily watched an unsuspecting hilichurl being thrown into the air. It reminded her of Jean's burst animation from the game. It was kind of funny how the hilichurl would slowly float to the ground after being thrust so roughly into the sky. "Come on, we should keep moving..." Kaeya said, walking past the two of them. It was weird- in the game, Kaeya had not been present when confronting storm terror. It was just Jean, Venti, Diluc, and the traveler. Perhaps her own appearance had influenced his decision to tag along... Wren rolled her eyes, childishly sticking her tongue out at the man's back. Lumine smothered her laugh with her palm- and with that, the group moved on.
Gonna live this life as the Heroine Villainess
Fanfiction*Y/N to OC to Y/N Y/N is so done. She lived a miserable life as the puppet of the people around her. Then she died. The end. Or not? Y/N finds herself stranded in the world of the popular game Genshin Impact, the reason behind her untimely death. Eq...