🪈 👹 Chapter 33- Adeptus' Temptation 🏮🐦

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12 hours 34 minutes later, Wangshu Inn

The first half of the trip was easy. There was an easily accessible teleportation point at the edge of dragonspine, but Lumine could only teleport short distances at a time- so, they decided to rest at Wangshu Inn before heading to the city the day after. Y/N smiled at Ver before heading up the stairs to her room. She got inside, closed the door, and immediately collapsed on the bed. Alright. She leaned over and grabbed the small pad of complimentary parchment on the desk beside her, pulling an inked pen from the drawer.

First order of business. She wanted to attend the rite of decension. Putting the system aside, she decided that the best course of action was to follow the traveler- Lumine, apparently- on her journey to find her brother. After all, that would be the most fun, and the best use of her time, right? At least she wouldn't be a sitting duck waiting for her fate.

Y/N did not want to think about what the system would do about her defiance. Frankly, she didn't really care, but this wasn't even her body. Part of her felt bad, being so reckless with the life didn't truly belong to her. But what could she do? 

And now that she thought about it, the system hadn't done anything about her defiance. She had thought, with her earlier actions- leaving Mond before capturing the targets- something surely was to have happened by now. But so far, it had kept quiet. Hopefully it would stay that way.

"Y/N!" Y/N turned. Lumi stood at the doorway. "I'm ordering in, is there anything you want?" Y/N thought for a moment. "...I'm really not that hungry. Can I just have a few grilled fish skewers?" Lumi smiled. "Sure! No problem." Y/N thought once more. "Ah, now that I think about it, can you order me a plate of almond tofu too?" The traveler nodded. "Don't forget to split the bill-" Lumine laughed at that, turning and closing the door behind her. Y/N sighed.

She stood up, heading over to the small wash bin and wetting a towel. As she wiped the dirt off her face and arms, she turned to the open balcony, where she could see the twinkling lights of Liyue city from afar. 

New function unlocked: System shop

Her eyes widened. Y/N stared at the floating blue message board in front of her. Huh. So instead of punishing her... she was being rewarded? If that was the case, that she would have rebelled a lot earlier. She lifted a finger and pressed the "open" button. Immeadiately, a catalogue of items opened up, individual windows floating in a circle around her. Y/N felt the grin fall of her face like sap. What were these outrageous prices? "This is a scam!" She whispered under her breath as she swiped past each item. 

4 star ranked equipment box- Cost: 10000 points

5 star equipment box- Cost: 100000 points

Seriously- the difference between the prices was just an extra zero. What a let down, Y/N thought sadly as she checked her balance. 16 500000 points. She could afford an 5 star box, at least. She clicked the "buy" button, almost feeling the amount of currency drain out of her account. A flower shaped artifact fell into her hands with a light clink. Flower of life, Crit rate, ATK percentage increase. Not bad. She kept swiping, flashing back to her old life when she would mindlessly surf online shopping websites. But soon, she noticed that some of the items were worth their prices (kind of) because the cheats they enabled were just what she needed. So... it wouldn't hurt to treat herself, right?

Advanced healing pill- Cost: 125000 points

Weapon ascension material pack- Cost: 20000

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