Make him remember: Quest has initiated. Please work hard!
Wren kept a childish pout on her face as she scowled down at her feet. Beside her, child-Kaeya stood fidgeting with his fingers as he slowly rocked on his heels. As soon as Albedo managed to restrain her and calm her down (with a promise of radish balls, on the house) he had whisked them both to Knights of Favonius headquarters. A sweet, silver haired maid had given them a change of clothes in their size, and fretted over them before sending them along to Jean. Now, they stood in the said Acting Grandmaster's office, Albedo, to his credit looking slightly ashamed as Jean held her head in her hands.
"When should we expect the effects to wear off?" Jean sighed, asking Albedo with an exasperated look. Albedo hummed. "I apologize, but I am quite unsure myself. Jean groaned as Albedo continued. "This was the first test, you see, so I have yet to understand the nature of this particular potion." Wren took a lock of Kaeya's hair and began to braid it. He stiffened at her touch, but didn't move away. "And what are we to do now that our Calvary Captain is... out of commission? The knights are already spread so thin..." Jean drummed her fingers on the desk. Wren looked up. "Can I help?" She asked, in a sweet but determined voice. Both Jean and Albedo turned to her. She shuffled her feet. "...I did something wrong again, didn't I..." Jean stood up and rushed over. "...Oh no, you didn't do anything, it's not your fault. Um-" She glanced over to Albedo before turning back to her. She opened her mouth to say something, but Wren beat her to it. "I still want to help!" Wren said. "In any way possible!" Jean's eyes softened. She hesitated, but smiled reluctantly at the both of them. Kaeya stood up a bit straighter. "Alright. In that case... would you two like to run an errand for me?" Wren grinned, and nodded, stretching out her hands to receive a package of letters, while Jean instructed them to hand them to the recipients. Wren turned to Kaeya, who stared at her wide eyed. She smiled, and handed him half the letters. "Let's go!" She said, throwing her arms up into the air comically, giggling happily. The older part of her wanted to rip her hair out in embarrassment. "We'll race, ok! Cya in a bit!" She ran out of the room, hearing Kaeya make a small noice of suprise and anger at her head start. He stood, blinking as he thought to himself. ...Race? That sounds... fun. He gave a small smile, then ran after the golden haired girl.
After the two had left, both the Acting Grandmaster and Chief Alchemist sighed in unison. "...Pardon me, but how are we to explain this to the other knights?" Jean stared at the ash blond man with a deadpan look. "Unfortunately, I have many, many other pressing matters to attend to," She said slowly. "I trust that you will do your best to relay this information to the others." Albedo froze. "Thank you very much."
Wren sped down the cobblestone bridge towards Springville, holding the last letter in her hands. The last letter of the day, and then she could finally go and have dinner. She smiled to herself, blowing the hair out of her face. The past day was fun. She had went around and delivered the letters, as she was told. Each recipient had such a delightful look on their face, mainly shocked or surprised at the youthful appearance of the new wanderer in town. And of course, the Calvary Captain. She had passed Kaeya a couple times on his route, and had seen more than one young maiden almost faint at the charismatic man now turned into an innocent little boy. It was quite hilarious, actually. She laughed to herself as she reach the roundabout, passing a bunch of tightly knit trees, only to crash into a tree.
She found herself on the ground, the letter laying in the dirt beside her. She gasped, quickly reaching over and brushing off the granules of sand on the cream paper. Wren huffed, pushing herself onto her knees. She turned. Ah. Scratch that. It wasn't a tree. It was a person. A very familiar, orange haired, ocean blue eyed person, who was currently lying flat on his back, looking blankly to the sky. Wow, she mused. He had grown into a really tall bean sprout. And it actually made more sense. Who would plant a tree in the middle of a road, anyway? She scooted over a bit. Was he... dead? Oh my archons, she thought. I just killed another person. Wren frowned. Jean would not be happy. Ok Wren. Just... do what you always do. Run. Run far, far away from the body. No one would ever know. But...
Childe was not in fact, dead. He was just surprised, especially since he wasn't expecting to be knocked off his feet. Literally, by a small gold, white, blur. He groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes to block out the sun, which seemed to penetrate past his eyelids and send lights dancing across his vision. He thinks he hit his head on the fall. He would be feeling that tomorrow for sure. "...Um... Mister?" A timid voice came from beside him. He didn't move. Figures. He was knocked over by a child, no less. The great Tartaglia, the most feared 11th harbinger and known for his bloodlust and skill on the battlefield- had been taken down by a kid- who was probably even around Teucer's age. "Are you hurt?" No, but I bruised my pride. "...Wait here!" Childe couldn't help but roll his eyes. The wind blew, sending his red scarf flying into his face. He spluttered, jerking upright and pulling the fabric out of his mouth. He grit his teeth. If he listened a little closer, he swore he could hear faint, impish laughter fading away in the wind.
"Hey mister!" He turned around. Only to almost fall over once more. Wait. Was this really happening? A young child- barely 6 or 7 years old- stood in front of him, her standing form just slightly taller than him sitting down. She wore a very simple, gray, cotton dress, with a simple blue ribbon cinching it at the waist. But it wasn't her clothing that got his attention. No, not that. A small, petite face with fairy-like features, gold hair, eyes filled with shards of colored diamond... and a sweet smile. Laced with a feeling of knowing and superiority he didn't exactly remember, but didn't mind nevertheless. A girl that that had haunted his dreams for years now. The girl in question glanced down to his mouth, which had dropped open in surprise. She paused for a moment, reaching forward, and then- shoved a handful of whatever was in her outstretched fist into his mouth.
"?!!!" Childe's protests fell on death ears as the girl giggled. He stopped as he registered the familiar taste of something sweet and cooling. Mint grass. So it wasn't poison. He stopped struggling, instead frowning at the girl, who was now staring at him curiously. "Do you feel better now?" The girl asked. No, he did not. His head still felt the same as before. Throbbing painfully like he had been hit by a hillichurl's club. But he decided to entertain her, and gave a curt nod. She brightened. "Yay! Okay! I'm glad you're not dead then!" ...What? She spun on her heel, waving as she did. "I'm off then! Got places to go-" And she ran off, leaving Childe sputtering in the middle of the road, probably looking like an idiot with a mouthful of mint grass.
He winced and spat it out, then stood up with a new feeling of determination. Ekatarina had only told him to tour the city today, just to get familiar with the people and how to get around. But now, he had a better reason to visit the city of Mondstadt. After all, was this not the place where his angel had once again, descended from heaven? (Although her current appearance was a bit strange) He grinned. Well, where better would it be to find out more than Angel's Share? Taverns were the perfect place to gossip- and Angel was the perfect topic to discuss. And yeah, he was craving a drink. Guilty as charged. He smirked. Finally- maybe this trip wouldn't be so bad after all. Childe ran towards the city, the feeling of adrenaline running through his veins making him feel like he was flying.
Angel... I missed you... so much...

Gonna live this life as the Heroine Villainess
Fanfiction*Y/N to OC to Y/N Y/N is so done. She lived a miserable life as the puppet of the people around her. Then she died. The end. Or not? Y/N finds herself stranded in the world of the popular game Genshin Impact, the reason behind her untimely death. Eq...