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He held there, sword raised, ready to strike. He looked down at the Nether Princess, trying to bring himself to follow through with the strike.

But as he looked down at the Nether Princess, he couldn't help but see Abigail, his childhood friend. He realized, right then, that he couldn't kill her. No matter what he did or how he thought about it, he could only see her as Abigail.

As he realized this, he heard movement behind him. He risked a glance back, and saw a group of Wither Skeletons exit the fortress, led by a skeleton in a purple robe. Rain decided that it was time to run.

Rain stepped away from Abigail, his heart full of pain, and started running back the way he came. He heard Abigail and the unknown skeleton begin to chase him.

Rain knew that he couldn't make it back to the portal before they caught him, and he had no more desire to fight. He looked around for another option.

A group of pigmen charged out a doorway in front of Rain, readying their weapons for a fight. Their eyes blazed with anger, all of which was directed at Rain. They wanted revenge for the death of their king.

Rain sighed as he ran. Though it would take only a moment to defeat the pigmen, it would give Abigail and the skeleton a chance to catch him. He readied his sword and charged at full speed towards the group of pigmen.

There were five pigmen in the group, two of which Rain killed in the initial engagement. The other three charged together, hoping to overwhelm Rain's defences.

Rain blocked their strikes and retaliated, killing another two. He turned to the last pigmen who looked like he was having second thoughts. Rain attacked, quickly overwhelming his defences and defeating the pigmen.

Rain looked behind him and saw Abigail close on his tail, along with the unknown skeleton. He turned and continued running for the portal.

As he ran, Rain spotted something that would make his escape much easier. Multiple vines hung from the ceiling next to the fortress. If he could reach them, he could swing from the fortress to the land, even directly to the portal.

He changed direction, going for the vines. He could hear Abigail right behind him. She had caught up during his fight with the pigmen. Rain knew that he would make it to the vines first, but only by a moment. Even though he didn't want to, Rain knew they would clash then.

Rain arrived at the vines, seconds before Abigail. Now that he was closer, he could see that one of the vines would allow him to swing directly through the portal. The only problem was Abigail.

She swung at him, a strike he easily blocked. Their weapons locked, both trying to push the other back. Rain succeeded, throwing Abigail onto the ground. He grabbed a vine and prepared to swing.

Just before he jumped, Rain looked back at Abigail. She was getting up, ready to attack him again. It broke Rain's heart to leave her, though he knew he must. There was nothing that he could do to restore her memories.

"Though you do not remember me," Rain said to her, "I will always remember you."

With that, he jumped, swinging over the lava lakes, and through the portal to the Overworld.

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