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Darkness falls over the forest. The fog seepes through the trees, grasping for anything it can reach. A deep chill bites in the air, and the forest is quite. Not a single bird or animal to be heard.

A mysterious figure walks through the forest, their footsteps silent on the ground. Unnaturally silent. There is no rustling of leaves, no snapping of twigs, not even the soft footfalls that humans associate with walking.

The figure pulls their cloak around them, but not because of the cold. Their hood is pulled over their head, shrouding their face in darkness.

The figure comes across a clearing in the forest, moonlight and starlight streaming through the trees. The figure pauses and tips their head back to study the sky. As they do, the moonlight falls on there face, revealing a woman's features.

Her face looks young, while her eyes appear unimaginably old. Her cowl falls back a little, letting a lock of hair fall across her face. It's a clear blond, the color of starlight. It gives of a faint glow, not enough to see by, but enough to notice.

The figure sighs. "The stars do not lie," she murmurs. The sound is like a cannon shot in the silence. "It has begun."

She twists around, her cloak flying out around her. The fog swirls in, obscuring her from view. When the fog settles, the woman is nowhere in sight.

Time seems to freeze. There is no sound, no movement. The whole forest seems to hold it's breath. Then, a solitary owl hoots, as if the departure of this woman has released the forest from a spell.

The End

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