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Abigail watched as the intruder swung through the portal. She turned away, leaving her emotionless state as she did.

As always, the suppressed emotions from earlier flooded through her. The anger and despair at the death of Glutton, the fury with the interloper, the delayed surprise, excitement, and fear from the fight with him, the exhilaration from the chase, her disappointment and anger that the intruder escaped, and, above all, confusion at the words of the intruder mixed with a strange feeling of familiarity.

Abigail shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Why had he said that, about remembering her? She had only ever seen him one before, when they fought briefly at Glacierford. So why did he feel familiar?

She walked over to Naeus, so lost in thought she almost missed what he was saying.

"This is a tragedy," said Naeus. "We have lost our king, and his killer has escaped."

"A tragedy it is," Abigail replied. "Though it will only give our people more reason to fight. We will avenge King Glutton, and punish those who killed him!"

"Brave words Princess, but words alone will not win this fight." Naeus crouched down to pick up the sword dropped by the intruder. "If this fight was anything to judge by, Herobrine will not be successful in taking the Overworld. A single fighter defeats our guards and kills our king, while escaping unharmed from our fiercest warrior."

"But we can't just give up!" Abigail exclaimed. "If we do, the Frostbourn will invade us after the death of Herobrine. We must keep fighting!"

"We will Princess, but first you must rest. You have fought an intense battle and watched Glutton die before your eyes. You need time to recover."

Abigail wanted to argue, but she could feel that Naeus was right. She was exhausted, mentally as well as physically. As much as she wanted to fight, she could feel herself already starting to slip away.

"I suppose you're right," she admitted grudgingly.

"Get some sleep Princess, and take tomorrow to rest as well." Naeus was supporting her now, as she was too tired.

"Yes," she mumbled, "I'll do that."

They didn't even make it back inside the fortress before Abigail felt herself slipping. She fought it for a second, before letting herself sink into sleep.

~ ~ ~

Abigail woke slowly, drifting upward through a haze towards wakefulness. She wanted to stay in this peaceful state forever, but she knew it couldn't last.

As Abigail woke fully, some of the emotions from the previous day returned. The fear and anger were there yes, but there was still the confusion, and now an underlying tone of unfamiliarity in everything, as if she didn't belong here. She shook off the notion and got out of bed.

She had had a strange dream that night. It was of her and an unfamiliar young man running from a horde of zombies. The details were fuzzy, but it contained that familiar feeling, just like the one she felt with the intruder.

She shook herself. Who was she, to let dreams and faint impressions influence her? She was the Nether Princess! One of the most powerful figures in the Nether! She should have better control over herself.

She walked over to the rack on the wall and picked up the Ruby Thorn. She would not let her emotions control her. From them on, she was in charge.

The door opened, and Abigail spun, half expecting an attack. Naeus stepped through the door.

"I apologize Princess," he began. "I know I said that you would have today to recover. But the Nether Generals have decided that we cannot wait."

Abigail thought that she could sense where this was going, but she didn't interrupt.

"We need a leader," Naeus continued, " and as you are next in line for the throne, the Generals have decided that you should be the next Nether Queen. The coronation will take place today. Afterwards, Herobrine has requested our aid in the conquest towards the Frostbourn Castle. You must decide where and when to give aid."

Just as she had suspected. She had known that this was coming from the moment she saw Glutton die. This was a role she welcomed however, as it gave her the ability to strike against her enemies.

"Well," she replied, "you know how I hate sitting still."

She grinned wickedly, and could sense her emotion mirrored in Naeus. He stepped aside, gesturing her forward.

Abigail, the soon to be Nether Queen, walked out the door, a perfect balance of control and anger showing. Though under the surface, she still conflicted with a part of herself, that part of her that didn't seem to belong.

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