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The report had come in only a few hours ago, and they were already nearing the former Wither camp. The Frostbourn had taken the fort, killing Blackbone in the process.

Abigail could tell that Herobrine took this personally. His top general has been defeated. He wanted revenge.

While Abigail was willing to go along with Herobrine's plan, he was not the main reason she was aiding this attack. She had heard it from reliable sources that the Dragon Tamer, known to her as the insurgent, was participating in this fight. She still wanted revenge for the death of Glutton.

As it was whenever she thought of the Dragon Tamer, she felt something inside her stir. A feeling of familiarity, along a sense that she was missing something.

Abigail tried to shake the feeling off. It annoyed her that, even after all this time, she still couldn't fully handle this feeling.

As her and Herobrine rode into the camp, they were surprised to see a relatively small enemy force. Sure Ser Patrick, the Dragon Tamer, and multiple bandits were present, including the one named Daryll, but it was still a rather small amount.

The two sides stared at each other for a time, before Herobrine charged towards Ser Patrick. His undead soldiers followed him in an attempt to overwhelm the enemy.

Abigail ignored the greater fight, singling out the Dragon Tamer. She spotted him and charged at him. Strangely, he seemed to have been looking for her too, as he charged forward as well. She had assumed, due to his inability to kill her during their last encounter, that he would not want to fight. But now, all she could see was hatred, not just towards the undead, but specifically directed at her.

Abigail spun as she neared him, trying for an overpowering blow. He blocked it easily however, and swung at her with his other sword at the same time. She had forgotten that he normally used two weapons, and barely blocked the strike.

The Dragon Tamer launched a flurry of blows at her at a speed that she would not have thought possible from someone that wasn't magically enhanced. She blocked all the strikes, though she was unable to execute a counterstrike.

As he swung at her again, Abigail shoved forward, disregarding her own safety. She succeeded in pushing him off balance, and proceeded to take a swipe at his head.

With unexpected reflexes and flexibility, the Dragon Tamer not only ducked under the strike, but twisted behind her as well. Abigail spun, barely managing to block the strike.

As the fight went on, Abigail began to realize that she was outmatched. The Dragon Tamer was faster, stronger, and more skilled then she was. She realized that she could not survive this fight without outside intervention.

Well, she thought, if I'm going to die anyways, I might as well take a few risks.

Abigail lunged forward, not bothering to protect herself. She managed to get past the Dragon Tamer's guard and stab him in the chest.

She turned, convinced that the job was done. Nobody could survive something like that.

She survived, but not without some serious injuries. She would no doubt be killed later in the battle. Still, she was satisfied with the death of the Dragon Tamer. If she died now, she would let go without complaint.

As Abigail readied herself to launch into that battle, she gasped at a pain in her chest. She looked down to find a sword protruding from beneath her skin. She glanced back, and was shocked to see the Dragon Tamer standing there, her stab wound ignored.

She collapsed, landing on her back. She stared up into the sky, the feeling of regret filling her. She had failed. She was dying while the Dragon Tamer lived. She wasn't able to avenge Glutton. She closed her eyes, ready for death.

"If you can hear me," she heard the Dragon Tamer say, "then I'm sorry Abigail. It had to be done. I'll miss you but, I have to let go of the past."

As he said this, Abigail felt like a dam had broken in her mind. Memories came rushing back, filling in holes that she had no idea existed before. Memories from before she was the Nether Princess, from when she was just a young girl trying to survive, alongside Rain.

As she remembered her old life, she began to feel ashamed. She had killed innocents begging for mercy, she had furthered the cause of the individual that had destroyed her home, and she had tried to kill Rain.

She cracked her eyes, seeing him standing there. He looked sad, but determined. The face of a warrior.

"Rain," she whispered, barely having any energy.

Rain's eyes snapped towards her. They widened when he realized what she had said.

"Abigail?" He asked, sounding like he didn't dare hope.

She mustered her energy and gave him a small smile.

"I forgive you,"she told him. "Just please forgive me."

Rain nodded, placing a hand on her cheek. He looked like he didn't dare say anything.

Abigail felt herself crying and saw that Rain was too. She mourned all that could have been but would never be.

Summoning the last of her energy, she reached up and touched Rain's face.

"Thank you," she breathed, before letting go, and slipping into an eternal slumber.

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