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It was decided that  Rain, Azura, and Ser Patrick, along with the bandits and a few others, would leave for the Wither Skeleton camp the next morning. Their plan was to take the camp and kill Blackbone, one of Herobrine's main generals. They would then draw Herobrine to the camp, where the Ender Watchers would aid them in the final showdown against the undead.

As Rain walked back to his room, he spotted an unfamiliar woman walking down the hall. He had seen her during the meeting, but knew nothing about her other than the fact that she was an enchantress. He walked over to greet her.

"Hello," he said, walking up to her. "I haven't seen you before the meeting. Are you new here?"

"Um, yes and no," she replied. "Yes I did just recently joint the Frostbourn, but I have been friends with Lady Azura for a while now."

"Cool," Rain replied. "What's your name? I'm Rain."

"Stella," she told him, extending her hand. Rain shook it, then noticed that she had a book floating along behind her.

"What's that for?" he asked. "That book."

"Oh, that's my spell book," Stella replied. "It helps me to perform my magic."

"What magic do you do? Like offensive or healing?"

"I suppose that my magic would classify as offensive," she replied, continuing to walk. "I mostly practice Arcane Magic. Summoning energy swords and beams and other stuff like that."

"Cool," Rain replied. "I mean, I have no idea what that means, but it sounds cool."

She laughed at that. She seemed find his lack of knowledge on magic amusing.

"Well, see you around Rain," she said.

"Bye," he called, walking over to his room.

As he arrived at his door, Rain saw someone come around the corner. It was Daryll, Ser Patrick's bandit apprentice. He seemed nice to Rain, though they hadn't talked much.

"You got a new girlfriend already Dragon Tamer?" he asked, trying to seem nonchalant. "That was quick."

"Shush Daryll," Rain replied. "Just because you don't have a girlfriend doesn't mean that you have to try and force people into relationships."

"Ouch," he said. "Probably deserved it though. Still, why are you giving up on Abigail so easily?"

Rain took a deep breath. He wasn't mad at Daryll exactly, he just got a little upset when Abigail was mentioned.

"Daryll," Rain said, making myself very clear, "I was just welcoming Stella into the Frostbourn. I have no romantic feelings for her whatsoever."

"Suit yourself," he replied shrugging. " But I'd say, if you want someone else, she would be a good pick."

Rain scowled at him and went inside his room. It was time to pack for tomorrow's journey.

~ ~ ~

The attack on the Wither camp went surprisingly smoothly, considering their small numbers. Though, each and every one of the people that participated in the attack were experts at their skill set.

The wither skeletons had been cleared out easily, and Stella took care of Blackbone with some of the Arcane Magic that she had talked about. They had let a few enemies escape to warn Herobrine. Now, all there was left to do was wait.

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