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Rain walked through the woods, twords the place where he last saw Abigail. If he glanced up, he could sometimes she the shapes of Azura and Dexter flying overhead.

He aproched the hollow carefully. He peaked through the underbrush to try and see what Abigail was doing.

Inside, Abigail was practicing with her spear. As she spun around, Rain saw that her eyes were white. The Nether Queen was currently in control.

Rain steped out of the forest, directly in her line of sight. He saw the battle take place on her face. Abigail defeated the Nether Queen and took control.

"Why did you come back?" Abigail asked.

"I know how to help you Abi," Rain replied.

"No," Abigail pleaded. "There is no way. Leave me and save yourself."

"I can't do that," Rain said. "Please just work with me here. I do have a way to help you, I promise."

Abigail shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Even if there was," she replied, "she wouldn't let you."

"That's just the thing," Rain told her. "Your insistence that you and the Nether Queen are two different people. You are the same, and you shouldn't be fighting yourself."

Abigail looked at the ground, struggling to remain in control. She looked up, meeting Rain's eyes.

"How can you be sure?" she whispered. "We seam so different."

"Because I saw you," Rain replied. "You were brainwashed and lied to, but you were still Abigail."

She shivered. "But why can't I remember it?" she asked. "If we are the same, then why can't I remember anything about her?"

"The same reason that you can't here her thoughts now," Rain answered. "You are seperated and need to be put back together."

Abigail gasped, nearly falling over. She looked up, and her eyes flickered white.

"She- I'm coming," she said.

"Then let her," Rain told her. "To help you, I have to talk to both of the sides."

She nodded, and them embraced him.

"Thank you," she whispered "for trying."

"It's the least I can do," Rain replied.

Abigail pulled away, closing her eyes. Suddenly, they snapped open, revealing them to be pure white.

~ ~ ~

She launched forward at Rain, trying to overwhelm his defenses. Rain caught her arms, holding her in place. She struggled against him, trying to break free.

"I don't want to fight," Rain told her, "I just want to talk."

She didn't react, continuing to struggle against him. He released her, and she flew back away from him.

"Listen to me," Rain pleaded. "You can attack me afterwards, but at least listen."

"Why would I listen to you?" she asked. "You killed me, my king, and my people."

"In my defense, you all did try to kill me," Rain replied. "But that's not the point right now. I want to help you."

"Why would you help me?" she demanded. "After all, you just said that I tried to kill you."

"Because I know you," Rain said. "Or at least I knew the person that you used to be."

"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"I knew you before you were revived and brainwashed," Rain told her. "Before even the Undead War."

"That's impossible," Abigail said.

"Really?" Rain asked. "Then what was your life like before the War?"

Abigail fell silent, looking troubled.

"The reason that you don't remember, is that your memories were repressed by the Nether Star. That caused you to forget your life."

Abigail scoffed. "If that was the case, I would remember that now."

"You would," Rain replied " except for Abigail, the other you."

"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"You have another personality in your head," Rain said, "fighting for control of your body. That personality is you from before the chaos of the Undead."

"That's impossible," she spat. "If she is me, then why is she fighting me?"

"Because your two personalities are completely different," Rain said. "She doesn't approve of your actions."

"Prove it," Abigail demanded.

Rain nodded. "Do you remember what happened right before you died?" he asked

Abigail glanced away, not responding.

"You do, don't you?" he said. "You remember how your memories came back."

"I don't want to talk about that," she said.

"Why? Because it proves my point?"

"No, I just-" she was visibly struggling to find a reason.

"You can't deny the truth," Rain told her. "That facts are all there. The memories you recovered, my memories of you and your lingering desire not to fight me,"

Abigail struggled with something. "No, your lying," she said.

"What makes you think that?"

"Because you killed my king," she suddenly burst. "I would have been willing to accept your story, if it wasn't for that fact. You killed him!"

"I only killed him in self defense," Rain replied sadly. "I came to the nether to find you, but he attacked me. I had no choice."

"While that might be true, you didn't regret killing him," Abigail snarled, "and you would do it again."

"He participated in your brainwashing. He helped to cause the loss of your memories." Rain replied.

"You would have killed him either way," she exclaimed. "Even if he hadn't attacked, you still would have killed him."

"Just like you would have killed Patrick if you had the chance," Rain replied. "This is war."

"And that justifies it how?" she asked.

Rain lowered his head. "It doesn't. But it is necessary."

"That doesn't change anything," Abigail replied.

Rain sighed, "Look, how about instead of standing here arguing, we fix your mind, reuniting your two personalities. Wouldn't you like that?"

Abigail hesitated, seeming intrigued by this offer. Before she could accept however, a voice spoke from the woods behind her.

"Of course she wouldn't. After all, you've been lying to her this entire time."

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