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Abigail lay there in shock. There was another voice inside her head. INSIDE HER HEAD! It took all of her willpower to keep from panicking.

Who are you? The voice asked again.

I'd ask you the same question. Abigail respond.

I used to be the Nether Queen, but now I'm not quite sure.

Well, I'm Abigail. Aren't you my other personality?

I'd assume so. Wasn't this procedure supposed to combine us?

I guess it didn't work. Let me ask Azura.

Abigail turned to Azura saying, "So, what happened? Did the procedure work?"

"As far as I can tell, no. There seems to be some change in your brain, but the process is incomplete. I'll try to figure out what went wrong."

Abigail nodded, leaning back.

So, we are partially combined, but we are still two separate entities.

Yes. I mean, we can communicate now, so we definitely have a stronger connection.

I can see your memories, Abigail sensed surprise from the Nether Queen. Or, I guess, our memories.

Same here. I can remember everything from the Nether.

And I can remember everything before the Undead War. She sounded sorrowful. I guess the Dragon Tamer was telling the truth.

Speaking of Rain, Abigail looked around for him. The room was empty, except for her and Azura.

"Where is everyone?" she asked.

"I told them to go wait outside," Azura explained. "I wanted to give you some space."

Abigail started to get up, but Azura blocked her. "No, you can't leave yet. We don't know what effect the procedure might have had on you."

"I can tell you exactly what happened. We're both here."

Azura looked at her, confused. "What do you mean, 'we'?"

"I mean me and the Nether Queen," Abigail replied.

Azura paled, "You mean that you can communicate?"

"Yes, and we can remember the events of each other's lives."

Azura rubbed her head, "This doesn't make sense. How can the two of you only be partially combined?" she looked back at Abigail, nervously. "I'm sorry, but you're still going to have to stay here for the time being."

"Why?" Abigail demanded.

"Not to be rude, how do we know that your telling the truth? You could really be the Nether Queen, trying to trick us."

Abigail opened her mouth to reply, but closed it, not having anything to say.

She's right. How can we prove that we are who we say we are?

You've already told her that we remember everything about each other's lives, so that won't work.

Well, what can we do?

They both thought about that for a second, before the Nether Queen spoke.

Let me talk to her.

Abigail was immediately suspicious.

How do I know that you won't do exactly as Azura is saying?

Abigail, we can't hide things from each other. We know what each other think, we know what each other feel. We're practically, no, we ARE the same person.

Abigail though about that, and admitted that the Nether Queen was right.

Ok, so how do we do that? How do you get to be the one in control?

Maybe, if I try to take over, and you let me, like when we were fighting, but you don't resist.

They tried that, and suddenly, the Nether Queen was in control.

~ ~ ~

Her eyes bled to white, causing Azura jump back in shock. She opened her mouth to call for help, but the Nether Queen spoke first.

"No stop, please. I only want to talk."

Azura hesitated, and then closed her mouth, though she kept one hand on her gun.

"What do you want to talk about?" she demanded.

The Nether Queen grimaced. This wasn't going well so far.

"I am the Nether Queen right now, but you were just talking to Abigail earlier." She held out her hands, as a gesture of peace. "I don't want to fight you anymore."

Azura scoffed, "Am I expected to believe that?" she demanded. "You expect me to believe that you, the Nether Queen, sworn enemy of the Frostbourn, don't want to fight us anymore?"

"I was brainwashed," The Nether Queen replied. "My memories were stolen, and I didn't know what I was doing. But now I have those memories again, and I can see that I was wrong."

Azura hesitated, but said, "How do I know that this isn't a lie?"

The Nether Queen sighed. Well, it was worth a shot.

Could you give me back control? She might responded better if it doesn't come from the person that killed her people.

The Nether Queen agreed, relinquishing control to Abigail. Her eyes reverted back to maple.

"Azura, I know that we don't know each other, but you have to trust me. Talk to Rain about this. He can tell you what happened in the forest and what happened before... before we died."

Azura studied her before backing over to the door. "I'll ask him, but if you're gone when I come back, I'll consider everything you just said to be a lie."

Abigail nodded, sinking into one of the chairs on the room.

Well done. You did a much better job than I did.

I guess, even though we are the same person, we still have different strengths and weaknesses.

Agreed. So, what now?

Now we wait for Azura to come back.

They sat in silence for a time, before Abigail asked, Do you think it's strange how we work together so well already? Just an hour ago, we were trying to kill each other.

It's not that strange. After all, we are the same person.

Abigail agreed, and then said, We need to find something to call you other than the Nether Queen. It's quite a mouthful. And we can't both be Abigail.

The Nether Queen considered this for a while before speaking.

Call me, Nehr.

Well then, allow me to formally introduce myself. Hello Nehr, I'm Abigail. I suspect we'll get to know each other quite well.

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