Training the child of The Red-Haired Pirates Part 1

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Months 1-6, Part 1, Third POV

Shanks excitedly began to organise a celebration to welcome Jade to their misfit pirate family. Lucky was instructed to put together a delicious feast, one grand enough to impress a pirate king himself. The crew mates retrieve barrels from the hull and the drinks start flowing. There is an air of fun and anticipation aboard the ship. Drinks are passed, jokes are made and dice games are played as everyone waits for the main course. While they wait, Shanks guides Jade around the ship, introducing her to each of the crew members and explaining each of their roles. Jade is overwhelmed but filled with joy by the warmth she is receiving from her new pirate family. Only once before had she felt this embraced, remembering the feeling from the day she met Sanji. She was quickly pulled from her thoughts when Lucky emerged from the kitchens and announced that the feast was ready. The crew clamoured over to help bring out all the dishes to the main deck, the rich and delicious scents wafting through the sea air. Jade and the rest of the crew sat eagerly waiting on the deck as Shanks made a speech welcoming Jade into their team and encouraging everyone to show her the ropes and pass on their knowledge on piracy. Everyone cheers and toasts their drinks to their new member and the feast begins. The food is better than any Jade had tasted before and the rest of the crew seemed to agree. Everyone was filling their plates and stuffing their faces full of tender meats, exotic fresh fruits, hearty soups and warm bread. It was a massive pirate family dinner. Jade is eager to begin this new chapter of her life and daydreams of all the adventures she will have and everything she will learn. The crew party until the early hours of the morning, draining several barrels of sake. Jade is exhausted from the night of partying with her new family and just as the sun begins to rise she decides it is time to get some rest. The celebrations and the days of being in a barrel have taken their toll on her. Shanks sees how weary Jade is and leads her below deck, gives her a hammock and leaves her to rest. Jade falls asleep almost instantly and dreams of food, new adventures and the lovely, blonde boy she's lost.

Lesson 1: Cooking
When Jade finally awakens, a full day has passed. While she feels refreshed from her long slumber, there is a slight ache in her bones but this comes as no surprise. She would assume that spending 3 days cooped up in a barrel and then sleeping somewhere she is not accustomed to would make her body scream. Jade makes her way up to the main deck where she is suddenly met by Lucky, who seems to have been waiting for her. "Hey kid, glad to see you're finally awake! Today is your lucky day, heh lucky, you're going to spend it with me in the kitchens. Actually, you'll be keeping me company for the next month." Lucky spoke excitedly. Jade looked surprised but was happy to be somewhere familiar again. "Why am I on kitchen duty for so long?" Jade asked, puzzled. "The captain has ordered each crew member to teach you a certain aspect of running a ship. I'd look at it as a sort of initiation. You should feel right at home in the kitchens I expect." Replied Lucky. Jade nodded in agreement and the two of them headeddown to the kitchen. As Jade enters, a wave of nostalgia overcomes her. She feels a sense of ease and comfort from the familiar atmosphere. Lucky gets to work immediately, explaining to Jade exactly how the kitchen is run. He shows her where all the ingredients belong, how the meat and drink is stored, where all the utensils, pots and pans live in the cupboards and where the wood for the fire is kept. Over the next few weeks, Lucky teaches Jade how to prepare ingredients, clean the equipment and how to know if food is spoiled. He also instructed her on what native plants are edible and what ones will shorten a persons lifespan. In the last week, once Lucky had deemed Jade skillful enough, he finally taught her all the recipes he uses on the ship, as well as a few clever tricks he's picked up over his years as a chef. By the end of the month, Jade was quite savy in the kitchen, able to whip up any of the crews favourite meals in a flash . "You're quite the apprentice Jade! You'll be a fully rounded pirate in no time!" Lucky remarked. Jade replied with quick wit, "It's just talent I suppose, and maybe a little help from you.". Lucky laughed heartily and ruffled her hair. He looked very proud of his teaching efforts with Jade. "I'm sure I'll miss your sass in the kitchens but I suppose it's time for your next tutor."

The chef and the first mate ( Sanji x author rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now