The Way Of The Sword. Training the child of the redhaired pirates part 3

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Months 3-7
lesson 3 navigation
Narrator POV
After a gruelling month in the kitchens and a stern lesson in learning how to scout as a pirate, Jade now finds herself under the watchful eye of Ben Beckman,the right hand man of Shanks himself.

Third pov
After an excruciating fall Jade looks up and the right hand man is looking down upon her with a displeased look after that reckless stunt. Ben says to Jade in a menacing undertone voice "Shit like that is gonna get you killed one day girly."
Jade gulps as she lifts herself off from the deck and replies back with a nervous laugh "Sorry wasn't looking where I was swinging." Ben grunts at Jade and turns around to walk off. Jade is a bit stunned and then quickly runs to follow Ben to the front of the ship.

Narrator pov
After a few weeks of Jade learning how to navigate from Ben, she has now acquired the skills to travel the ocean on her own. Ben was surprised at Jades growth since being on the ship and believes that Jade one day will be smarter and a better navigator then Ben himself. Jade approaches Shanks with a nervous smile "Do you think you can teach me how to sword fight?" Shanks is surprised by this request but turns around with a warming smile on his face and replies back with "Do you know how to handle a sword?"

Lesson 4 swordplay

Shanks pov
"Meet me out on the top deck with a training sword in hand." I walk out onto the top deck to see Jade with a sword in her hand while in a fighting stance waiting for me. She's an eager one that's for sure I thought to myself. Jade runs at me with swift movement and in a very fluid motion strikes straight for my throat however I deflected the strike with my sword, put too much power into the blow and she falls back on her ass. "You've got a lot of guts going for my throat however you're too impatient and that will get you killed in a real sword fight and being up against a clearly stronger opponent. You need to assess your opponent then search for their blind spot and use a flurry of calculated strikes to hit their weak spot." I hold my hand out to Jade, grabbing her arm pulling her up onto her feet and then take a few steps back "You wouldn't mind telling me your weak spots now would ya?" Jade asks. "I'm your enemy now and I'm not just going to give you my weak spot nor will I go easy on you. I wouldn't be a very good father if I did that now would I?" Jade smiled at me and I realised I just said I was her father. Jade replies back to me with "Okay Dad, let's see what you got!"

Time skip 2 months
Third POV
Two months has past since Jade had started her sword training and during that time the bond between Jade and Shanks has grown ever more stronger, to where it's a father daughter relationship. Shanks spends most of his days training Jade to the point where she has become a great sparing partner for Shanks. Although Jade has great technique she still needs to work on getting stronger to become a more formidable pirate.

Time skip 2 months

Shanks pov
"I thinks it's about time that I give Jade her first real sword" Ben Beckman looks at me questionably "You're not thinking about that sword we picked up from the sea goddesses temple are you?" I grin in response "That's just right, I can't think of a person more worthy of one of the greatest swords in history." I approach Jade with the sword wrapped up in cloth and say to her "Hey kiddo it's sparing time again." I grinned as I unclothed the sword "But this time a sword of your own." Jade look at me with a huge smile on her face and accepts the sword " How does it make me look Dad?" I laugh and say "You look just like your father just a bit shorter" Jade shouts "HEY!" The whole crew started laughing. "So how about a rematch?" Jade looks at me with a intense stare. "Bring it on old man."

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