The real pirates challenge! Who's the mysterious pirate?

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Narrator POV

The greatest pirate challenge now awaits Jade. What difficulties may lie ahead? Who is this unexpected visitor? Has Shanks given up on Jade?

Shanks POV
" What a fine morning this is! What better way to start a morning than with a cold splash of water on your face." I grab the bucket of sea water and splashes it on Jades face as she sleeps, she wakes up with a squeal from the shock of the cold water " dad!" She shouts at me as I laugh. " rise and shine! You have a lot of work to do" I tell her. " work? What do you mean?" She whines  wringing out the water from her hair, " it's nothing much, just the greatest challenge a pirate could ever do" I grin at her awaiting her response. " really!" She asks, clearly excited. " that's right, it's time you put everything you've learned to use. The crew and I have set up an island treasure hunt for you. You will have to survive and search for the treasure all on your own. You think your up to the challenge?" I explain to her waiting for her reaction. " I was born ready" she replies
Time skip 30 minutes
Third POV
Jade and the Red Haired Pirates arrive to the island, Jade was given a map of the island with an X on it and a spare plain sword. Jade looks at Shanks confused " what about the unique sword you gave me?" She asked. Shanks replies back with " you really think I'm going to let you dirty the goddess sword just yet? You need to learn how to fight for real without an unbreakable sword, otherwise you'll be too reckless." Jade replies sarcastically" whatever you think dad." Shanks shakes his head before sending her off on her first quest.

Jade POV
Time skip three days
" I swear the treasure is around here somewhere. This cave is to dark for me to actually see anything, ughhh how annoying! You'd think dad would have left me a torch or something." I look in towards the cave and I can see what looks to be a beam of light coming through an entry point. I go to investigate and I find what seems to be an enormous foot print. "That has to be be the biggest foot print I've ever seen!" I follow the path of broken tree branches and it leads me to the other side of the island. "Hey do those rocks look weird, ummm why am I talking to myself. I feel like I  should have another me with me.... Nah that's crazy talk, I've been alone way too long." I jab the weird rock with my sword and it feels squishy. I hear what sounded like a grunt and then something spoke to me. "What just hurt me right now? Hmmm, is that a little brat I see down there? There aren't meant to be any humans on this island. Hey brat, who are you?" I'm in disbelief that I'm looking at a giant right now. "I'm not just any human I'm apart of the Red Haired pirates you overgrown old man!" The giant picks up his shield, I unsheathed my sword and get ready to go on the defensive. The giant launched an attack at me and I jumped unexpectedly high and dodged the attack landing on top of the giants hand. "Wow I didn't think I could jump that high! I'm surprising myself all the time." I ran up the giants arm and notice a treasure chest on top of his head. I quickly jump to launch myself at the chest and grab the chest off the giants head. This enrages the giant and he yells "give me back my treasure, that's all I've got." He bellowed " Sorry giant old man but I'm a pirate and I take what's mine and that's all the treasure in the world" I say smirk on my face. I run back into the mountain with the giant screaming and chasing me. I make it in but something feels off about the cave now. I hear a crazed laugh "your all mine Shanks jr!" Hands wrap around my mouth and waist dragging me into the darkness.

To be continued....

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