The Marksman

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"You know, I've spoken a lot. Maybe it's your turn."

"Me? Well, I'm just a gunner. Nothing really special to me. Just get up and help my friends, 'cause they're the only family I've got."

-the day of the final-

Youko was extremely disappointed to have lost the chance to win the final. She held a valiant rearguard for her commander but due to overwhelming numbers, it was no use. Her tank simply didn't have the ammo for the situation. Her feelings were noticed by a few people not to mention her good friend Aki.

"Come on Youko," she said cheerfully as they made their way to the arena.
"Aki has some magic power," thought Youko, we lost yet she's dragging me here..." Youko would rather have not been brought to watch Pravda. "How can you be so jolly?" Youko asked in her quiet way.

Aki gave a small smile, "cause I'm with my best friend. Now then," she said as the pair walked through the carnival. "How about we get an ice cream?"

Youko loved ice cream but...
"Maybe I can afford it" she thought, checking her wallet. "No thanks..." she muttered defeated, watching Aki wander off ahead.

Perhaps it's best I explain a bit about Youko. Youko is a gunner for Jatkosota, she's a very quiet and frankly very poor girl. In her free time, Youko likes to go hunting with Aki. Her lifestyle has formed her into a very strong, very sharp,  yet very self-conscious woman.

After a good few hours, Youko felt herself getting more and more hungry. As she paced around looking for cheap food, her nostrils were exposed to the smells of fish, chocolate, and burgers. These were all extremely tempting. But as much as she wanted to indulge herself, it would be futile. Her eyes switched from the stalls to people's eyes. She'd had enough. Taking lessons of 'borrowing' from Mika, Youko sprinted towards a target. They had no idea what was about to happen. His face was more interested in the food in his hands rather than the Marksman who was about to take it. As quickly as she could, she took it and disappeared into the crowd. Youko needed somewhere quiet for her stomach to 'borrow' his food. Deciding that behind the toilets would be best, Youko soon found herself staring with a watery mouth.

"Hot dog" she muttered before devouring it... "mmmm" she giggled before the smile collapsed into a frown. "I-i stole tha-at..."  She had no right to it. What if the boy was in the same situation as her. "One day..." she mutted sadly before trying to find Aki.


I hope you are all still enjoying this. I am very happy with how my story is progressing and hopefully, soon Arthur and Youko will meet face to face. 

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