A Night Together

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Youko gave Arthur a tour of the place, making sure to show him everything. She loved every second of it and held his hand tight. Arthur found it to be really special, too. Perhaps it was Youko's smile or her enthusiasm, but something about her was causing something in himself. And pretty soon, it couldn't be ignored. Though for Arthur that brought about a new dreadful thought.

Eventually the pair ended up on the sofa together enjoying their catch from the day.

"You cook a good fish." Said Youko as she savoured each bite. "Where did you learn to cook like that?"

"My mom taught me. She used to love baking and that sort of thing when I was younger." Arthur smiled a little. "Used to help her every school holiday."

"Got any good recipes?"

"Maybe I'll bring you some cupcakes." replied Arthur as he looked down at the little tomboy.

Youko looked back up at him, smiling brightly. "I'd like that." She slightly shuffled closer to him. "You're really good to me, Arthur."

"Well, you did kind of save me." He replied as the pair locked eyes together. "I've felt like I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything." Youko muttered as she put down her knife and fork. The pair didn't say anything else afterwards, just kept their eyes on each other. Arthur could feel his heart begin to race and his cheeks heating up.

"Never realised how cute she is." He thought top himself, as he tried in vain to move his eyes away. Instead, his hand slowly moved up to Youko's cheek. She gently moved her head into it. As he gently cupped her cheek, their heads slowly moved closer to each other. They'd move a bit then stop for a moment, then move a bit more. Each stop felt like an eternity. The pair stopped with their faces a few centimetres apart.

"Youko..." Muttered Arthur.

"A-arthur." Stuttered Youko. Her pale white face was replaced with a bright red tint.

Just as they slowly prepared for their next step, a large thunderclap shook the cabin. It caused Youko to jump back slightly.

"O-oh great. A storm." She said quickly standing to her feet and grabbing their plates.

"Yeah, a storm..." Arthur muttered. "I should go bring our boots inside." He rose up.

"Alright." Youko quickly left the room.

Arthur watched her go before a long sigh. A sigh of both relief and frustration. "Damn." He muttered as he opened the door. The rain was already pelting at the woods. Arthur spent some time out under the shelter. He needed the time to escape and consider what nearly happened. Was he falling for his friend? Well, she was cute. Actually, Arthur considered her adorable. But as a Nishizumi, he was always taught to keep feeling down low. He glanced back at the house.

"God, she's perfect." He muttered. The next thunderclap convinced Arthur to head back in with the boots. The feelings still persisted within himself. So, to best solve the situation, Arthur went to the small kitchen area to speak to Youko.

"Say erm Youko." He gingerly started."About what just ha- "

She cut him off. "There's nothing to explain Arthur." She said kind of coldly.

"Right... I should probably head off home."

"You aren't going out in that storm Arthur."

"But the storm will last for hours."

"I don't care." Said Youko looking at him. "I'm not having you go out in that. You're staying here with me, and that's final."

Arthur went to retort but stopped himself. He reluctantly sighed. "Why do you have to be so cute?" He muttered a little louder than he wanted to.

Youko's face quickly shifted to a bright red, as she turned her face away from him. Arthur immediately went red once he realised what he said. And with a nervous chuckle asked. "Well... where am I sleeping then?"

"You can have my bed, and I'll take the sofa." Youko replied shyly.

"I'm not stealing your bed."

"Well I'm not having you on the sofa."

Arthur slowly walked over to Youko. "Listen Youko, I'm fine on the sofa." He gently put his arm around her shoulder.

"We'll share the bed!" Youko blurted out. She quickly covered her mouth. Arthur felt himself blush once more. "I m-mean if you want to." She stuttered.

"I'd love to."

Arthur continued to hold Youko as she finished off the washing up. The pair would then make their preparations for the night. Youko would then slip under her covers, leaving room for Arthur to slip under. Once he did, they didn't speak. Just kept apart. The silence was awful.

Eventually, Arthur had enough and decided to break it. "Youko, I've got a match against Pravda in two days time. Would you agree to come support me?"

Youko shuffled closer. "Only if you agree to watch my matches too."

Arthur rolled on to his side. "Deal." He said with a smile. "I'll never miss one."

"Thank you, Arthur." Said Youko sleepily as she closed her eyes. "I'm so grateful for you."

"My pleasure Youko, and I'm grateful too." Arthur copied Youko and closed his eyes. Pretty soon, they both fell asleep.

However, by the next morning. Arthur and Youko were sleeping right next to each other, with Arthur's arms wrapped tightly around her. Their heads were gently resting on each other, and the pair had wonderful, warm smiles. Arthur was the first to open his eyes, slowly opening one to see Youko's head resting in his shoulder. He giggled a bit as he gently stroked her side.

The gently stroking soon caused Youko to wake up. She began blushing hard once she'd worked out what had happened. Yet the pair didn't move. This was far too cozy.

"Morning." He said sleepily.

"Morni-ing" She replied nuzzling herself into him. "Did you sleep well?"

"It was wonderful." Arthur gave Youko a little squeeze. "I really don't wanna get up." He gently twirled up her hair within his finger tips. Youko gently wrapped her arms around Arthur. 

"We could always have five more minutes." She muttered as she closed her eyes again, causing Arthur to copy. The Pair slowly drifted off again.

The day after would see Arthur and his team would continue with their preparations for the match. Arthur and his Vice Commander Daniel would scour through every bit of intel they could possibly find on Pravda.

Daniel shook his head. "Only thing I have on her is her arrogance. She can't handle a loss. Makes her feel small."

"She is small." Arthur stated bluntly. He then groaned. "I'm so biting off more than I can chew. Maho's right. That ass has like 50 tanks at her disposal, and what we have Seven?"

"Yeah..." Daniel muttered. "Two Panthers, One Jagdpanther , your Panzer 3 M and three Panzer 4s...Only intel we got it that she favours double envelopment tactics. That's basically nothing." 

Arthur thought for a moment. "I recently met a girl..."

"Commander now's not the time for your love life."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "I met a girl and she suggested a few things to me. Think I might try that." 

"Well what did she say?" Daniel asked. Arthur didn't respond. "Am I not allowed to hear?"

"That would ruin it. Just have the lads ready for a lot of shit."

"That I can do."


Next chapter will be the Match, hopefully I can pull it off.

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