White Witch

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Arthur watched the rifle. The figure stopped a few metres from him and cycled the bolt.

"W-wait... no," he meekly spoke. The figure aimed the rifle in his direction. Arthur shut his eyes tightly.



Was that the end of Arthur Nishizumi? To be killed by a hunter at such a young age? Perhaps... It's a terrible way to die. Arthur felt nothing save for a chilling empty coldness, though slowly it began to fade. The sound and light of a flickering flame disturbed him from the unconscious state.

"mh-ghh," He quietly groaned, slowly opening his eyes to what appeared to be a make shift campsite. There wasn't much around only a backpack with a small Basha tent overhead. Arthur slowly looked over towards the flames. He watched them for a bit, just flickering away. But there was something else...well, someone else. There sat by the fire was that figure. Arthur gulped slightly.

A quiet voice spoke. "You're in the wrong place, Arthur Nishizumi." They slowly turned towards him. "Now, what would the Kuromorimine boys' Academy Tankery Leader be out here for?"

"How do you know who I a -" Arthur was cut off by the figure walking over and throwing his id card on his lap.

"You're lucky I found you. Being trapped like that in this weather could be...fatal."

"Fatal?" Arthur was stunned. "You shot at me!?" He tried sitting up but winced in pain.

"Easy there." The figure slowly knelt down and put their arm on his shoulder. "You're hurt, kiddo, and well, technically, I only shot the rope." The figure slowly moved their balaclava.

"A girl?" Arthur looked at her puzzled, though she seemed very upset by that remark.

"What can a girl not be in nature? It's rather silly to upset someone with a gun." She sat there, serious faced. 

"S-sorry Miss...I didn't mean anything by it,"

"Call me Youko..." She said quietly, moving down to his ankle. "That rope was pretty nasty." Youko gestured to Arthur's ankle. Arthur slowly looked over at it. Bleeding pretty badly and with a large amount of rope burn. He muttered a fair bit but stopped when he saw Youko taking off his boot.

"What are you doing down there?"

"Helping." Youko murmured. "A cut like that can get infected. And I'd not like anything to happen out here." Youko began looking through her bag for some medical supplies. "So you gonna  tell me why you're here?"

"Why I'm here?" Arthur started watching the fire for a bit. The flames, dancing, intriguing him.

"I mean, this place is rather empty. Not much happens in these woods."

"That's why I came here..." Arthur sighed slightly, causing Youko to look over. "I've come here to clear my head. I'm kinda an idiot..."

"Why?" Youko asked softly. And patting Arthur's leg.

Arthur rolled over a bit. "Because I challenged Pravda to a tankery match. It'll be the first time a male team has ever faced off against a female team. And I'm hopelessly out matched and out gunned." Arthur looked down at Youko to see her bandaging up his ankle. "You've got very gentle fingers." He joked. Youko chuckled, too, at his remark as she continued patching him up.

"You can continue your little rant, my friend."

Arthur smiled too himself and kept watching her as he spoke. "Well, now I've got less than 5 days to find away for seven tanks to beat 17 tanks. I'm not a fan of those odds. And unfortunately I'm nothing like my sisters. I'm not smart, nor cunning. Hell, I got caught in a damn animal trap." Arthur punched the ground in frustration. "I'm screwed...and I've s-screwed o-over my team..." Arthur buried his eyes in his elbow.

Youko didn't look. It wouldn't have been good for him if he felt someone had watched him. Instead, she carried on bandaging his leg before tossing another log on the fire and laying down on a sleeping bag next to Arthur.
"I'd recommend you spend the night here. It's too dark, and you're too hurt to move at the moment. I'll make sure you're comfortable with me." She said, gently patting his shoulder.

All Arthur could muster was a simple nod of appreciation as Youko pulled a blanket over themselves. The two stayed like that. Arthur needed to calm down. His rant had worked himself up too much to properly think. Slowly though, he looked over at Youko. This tomboy-ish, angel of mercy that had got him free from a trap (with a gun) and then wrapped his wound up. He couldn't quite work out what it was about her though.

"Youko, you still awake?"

"Unfortunately," she replied a little sleepily.

"Why are you out here?"

Youko rolled over before responding. "Because this is my home. I'm the White Witch of the Woods. I've lived and hunted in these woods nearly all my life."

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"Quite a bit," Youko lay on her arm. "I've met quite a few dangerous situations but as long as I stay calm I'm fine. These woods have taught me a lot of skills. Most of them are useless at Jaktkosota High School. Though I get to use my hunting skills in tankery matches. That and my friends are the only reason I go."

"What about your parents" Arthur asked.

"My parents?" Youko muttered.

"Well yeah? Why aren't you with them?" Youko didn't reply to the question instead rolling on to her back. Arthur noticed this and he sat up and looked over at her. "Youko?" He asked softly, stopping when he saw a few small tears running down her cheeks.

"M-my pa-" Youko struggled to get her words out. She sniffled a few times instead. Arthur gently shuffled closer to her.

"I'm sorry." He said, gently taking her hand.

Youko sniffled. "Y-yeah...me too."


Well, we are five chapters in and they've finally met. I'm thinking about starting another story set around Kay from Saunders High. So hopefully that'll be a good read. Anyway the next chapter will focus on some of the aftermath from Miho's rescue attempt. I'm gonna try presenting Shiho is a better light than what the anime suggests. 

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