Chapter 1: Eyes Blue

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Third Person's Pov

Takemichi was hugging his knees as he hide in a corner of his room. He can hear crashing noises as his mother and father screams to each other.

Takemichi eyes was blurry as he cried. His terrified can't he just live a normal life. Takemichi suddenly jostle up as the door of his room was forced open.

He look up to meet his mother who looks at him with eyes of contempt. A shiver went down to his fine.

He feels himself suffocating the air around the room is dark. Takemichi hug his shivering knees more as his mother approach his shivering form.

"Tsk I can't believe I have birth on someone who's a monster like you!!!" Her mother screams.

Takemichi sobs his big fat tears rolling down his cheeks.

'But I didn't do anything?' Takemichi thought to himself as he cried.

He doesn't understand why his parents are fighting so much on why does both his mother and father hold a desire to just get rid of him.

"I should've abort you!" His mother cried as she fell into her knees.

Takemichi couldn't understand the meaning of those words sure he had those words multiple times but he didn't asks anything about it.

"If only you die!" Takemichi mother cried even more.

Takemichi was shivering they always told him those words that he could not understand.

"I'm sorry...." Takemichi apologize.

His mouth moves on his own he always felt the needed to apologize as if he have done something wrong.

"That's right you should apologize because of you my life is ruined!!!!" The lady said again as her eyes glare at Takemichi.

Despite having the same eye color as Takemichi it was different it was devoid with feelings. It only held hatred and disgust. Unlike his pure and Innocent ones.

"I hate you!!" His mother screams again as she cried.

Takemichi just apologize over and over again. It was always like this in their home wait no this place is just a house.


Takemichi woke up as he wince in pain. He was up before sunrise Takemichi looks at his bruises and cuts as he tried to stand up despite his legs being wobbly.

Takemichi crept up to his room door as he open it. He flinched at the sight of there house there's a lot of broken glass and stuff lying around.

It's nothing new. Takemichi slowly walk downstairs of the house. He grabbed a dust pan and a broom. He start cleaning up the mess.

He was used to this well since he practically almost all do the chores around the house. It doesn't matter if his body is hurting.

If he didn't do this his mother or father would scold him again and beat him into a pulp again.

He vividly remembers on how his father throw him across the room after failing to clean up the house despite him having a fever that time.

So Takemichi had to ignore all his pain just to not get beaten again. Beside he don't really like his mother or father screaming at him.

Despite having an average life as a family everything about them is just different.

Sometimes he even got jealous at his classmates as there parents always picks them up from School meanwhile he has to walk home.

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