Chapter 9: A Cry For Help...

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Takemichi looks at the empty sky as he walks home. It seems like it's going to rain as the sky is really gloomy. Takemichi don't mind he actually like rainy weathers.

He likes the sound of lightning. Because it always somehow shield him away from hearing things he shouldn't suppose to really have hear.

As Takemichi walks he notice a familiar motorcycle. Takemichi eyes went wide as he run towards it. As he ran closer he also saw a familiar figure.

"Fa...Fat ...her!!" Takemichi stutter and shouts at the man.

The man turns around and Takemichi met a pair of blue eyes the same shade as his. The man looks like his living the best of his life having fun talking to some girls.

But the moment his eyes lands on Takemichi his whole demeanor changes. His eyes suddenly looks empty as he stared at Takemichi.

"Huh Father you told me you're single?" The lady beside him asks.

"Of course I am who do you think I am?" The man spoke as he then turn his head towards the girl smiling.

Then he turns back to Takemichi with eyes full of disdain.

"Fa...fa..ther... It's... Me Takemichi!!" Takemichi asks his eyes begging for recognition.

"Ummm what do we do to this kid whoever this is?" The girl ask looking at Takemichi and the man back and forth.

"Leave him be his probably one of the children who's just here for money" the man said glaring at Takemichi.

"That's not true I'm your son!!" Takemichi said tears starting to form in his eyes.

'Please it's Me Takemichi don't abandon me too dad!' Takemichi screams in his head.

"Father please listen---" as Takemichi tried to touch the man he was violently shove away.

"The duck kid get away you lowborn scum!" The man hiss.

"Please dad don't leave me!!" Takemichi cried this time.

"Oh my god what's with this child Hun come on let's go!!" The girl now who was with the man his as she glares at Takemichi.

"Don't leave me please!!!" Takemichi cried as he clutches to his father's clothes despite the man prying him off.

There was already a crowd who's slowly surrounding them. The man who Takemichi called father just grit his teeth he kick the raven haired boy away from him as he dragged the woman away.

And board the motorcycle.

"Fat...her wai..t do..n't g..o!" Takemichi stutters as he stand up.

He ignore the pain he had in his back as he was kick towards a post. He ran and held his father leg.

"What the hell kid go away!!" The man snarls once again as he kicks Takemichi face.

Takemichi fell off at the impact as he hold his nose he can feel it bleeding. But he still tries to look at his father unfortunately the man already had driven away.

Takemichi watch from the distance the tears in his cheeks and the blood on his nose he can't even feel the pain.

He was abandoned. He was truly abandoned by his own family.

"Hey are you okay kid?" A person ask as they walk towards Takemichi.

Takemichi stares at them. The person was offering him a handkerchief. Takemichi blinks as he stares the lady.

It's funny they help when my father is already gone yet they don't help me when I got thrown.

The way that they are feeling video as if they want everyone to know how horrible my father is yet.

Aren't they just the same. They act as if they are a good Samaritan only after the assaulter is gone.

'What a funny people's Takemichi thought.

"You won't survive if you don't smile in this rotten world you know" Aya voice rang into his ears.

Ahhh that's right this adults won't like it if I refuse there help. Because they want to act good people to help the weak.....

Takemichi looks ups and smile.

"Th...ank you" Takemichi smile as he get the handkerchief and walk away.


Takemichi was near the park as he clean his face in the public comfort rooms.

Takemichi stares at the handkerchief given to him. He stares at it he wanted to throw it away but what if the lady ask for the handkerchief again.

After all the girl seems to be studying near his school. Judging by the uniform. Takemichi just put it in his pocket as he dried his face using a handkerchief his grandmother had given him.

As Takemichi walks out he hear a crying sound. Takemichi looks over at the source of sound and it's a peach haired colored hair kid.

Weird hair color. The girl was being surrounded bymale kids who seems to be older than them.

Takemichi eyes the girl. And sigh he was a bout to leave but somehow his legs won't.

Was it because he also once look like that. A helpless child being bullied by adults. Takemichi turns his back as he walk towards the area.

He grabbed a rock as he walk towards them.

"Umm I'm sorry but please leave this girl alone it's not nice to hurt kids you know" Takemichi spoke as he eyed the Three kids.



Shinichiro stares at the woman in front of her as he analyze her looks. She was a beautiful woman with black hair and deep blue eyes. Those eyes reminded of her of a certain someone and the sure do are related.

"Is Takemichi well?" She spoke in a soft voice.

"Yeah he sure is i wonder why you are trying to act as if you care about your son now?" Shinichiro spokebut he retained his calm voice.

"Im sorry i really just want to know how he is as of now is he happy is he eating well?" the woman's voice soinded worried.

Shinichiro stares at the girl. She absolutely despise this woman but somehow her eyes seems to be similar to Takemichi. She looks lost and somehow lifeless however that doesn't change the fact the this lady abused takemichi.

Shinichiro sigh.

"Your son is fine but its much better if you to don't meet at all leave Takemichi alone for now i cant stand seeing him looking so sad whenever that child meet someone of his past" Shinichiro spoke calmly still annoyed however as he walk away.

The woman made no movements to follow Shinichiro.

"I'm glad" the woman spoke under her breath as she walks away.

......To be Continued.....

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