Chapter 5: A Kid In The Stationery Shop

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Takemichi stares at the stuff that his grandmother had bought him. It's only been 3 weeks since he move in to her house.

He's gonna go to school next week. Takemichi felt worried. He never really went outside and interact with kids his age in the neighborhood.

Even though his grandmother assure him that everything will be alright he still felt uncertain.

He missed Shin. Shinichiro got appointment today though to know whether his omega or alpha.

Michi can't hang out with him. Takemichi stares at some things in the stationery shop they are in.

"Hmmm Michi why don't you look around while I try to buy you some school stuff" Tanuki suddenly spoke.

Takemichi look at his grandmother and shook his head.

"I'm fine besides no one would carry what you bought" Takemichi softly spoke.

Takemichi had become less wary of Tanuki which is a good thing. Tanuki still remembers how the poor kid would often flinch whenever she's around.

Takemichi too of course didn't warm up to Shinichiro fast. However Takemichi did held a great image of Shin in his head.

The older male is so cool in his head. Despite the reasoning is so simple which others can do as well. Takemichi felt that Shin is his hero.

His always on distress so he doesn't understand the warmth at first. But now he do understand a bit of it. It was kindness.

Something that Takemichi was unfamiliar with. But he was happy to feel it. He felt as if he was needed and he felt as if his not alone.

Like someone had pulled him out of a dark empty room into the light in a flowery garden.

"Hahaha Michi I'll be fine I'm still strong now go on and try to find some things that catch your eyes" Tanaki softly spoke.

Takemichi of course didn't budge at first but he Finally did comply after many attempts of Tanuki.

Takemichi is around the sketch area. Takemichi loves drawing and his really good at it. But he never got a chance to show his talent to anyone because on how poorly he was raised.

He wants art materials too but back in his old house. He could never ask such thing because if he did. The poor kid would get yelled non stop and was told to sleep in the cold floor.

He'll be lucky if he doesn't get beaten up which almost impossible. But there were days that he never got beaten up but he was however told to sleep without eating.

Takemichi is fine with that of course it's not like starvation is the one that'll kill him. He always felt grateful if that's only his punishment.

Weird right?

He felt grateful even if his being abuse.

Maybe it's just the cycle of life. Maybe it's something that Takemichi had to pay just because he was born in this world.

Takemichi grab some pencils and some crayons. Along with a sketchpad. He still looks around to see if something else catches his eyes.

Takemichi wonders. Why is Tanuki so rich meanwhile his father isn't?

Tanuki own some shops. But his father never had one. Takemichi guess is because like what his grandmother says.

'Your Father went astray I tried everything to get his on the right track. But your father however was too stubborn I would love to help him through everything but his the one who kept refusing the help. My guess is because of his ego' His grandmother would always complain and snort about though Takemichi could see the sadness in her eyes.

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