Chapter 2: I'll be A Good Boy

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Takemichi stares at the old lady then to his mother. His mother staring at him expectantly to say something.

"He...l..l.o m..y na...m..e is Ta..k..e.mi...c.hi" Takemichi stutters.

He felt his mother whom is holding his hand gets tightened he nails digging into his skin.

Takemichi wants to whimper but hold it in when he notice the way her mother cold eyes flash into his vision.

"Ahhh I'm sorry his kinda shy" his mother spoke as his mother eyed the old lady.

"Ahhh I see but you can let go of the child now you know he looks very uncomfortable" Tanuki spoke looking at the hand of Takemichi mother.

"Ahhhahahah sorry I'm just afraid that this kid went on do something funny you know kids they could be annoying" Takemichi mom spoke then letting go of his hand.

Takemichi knows that there will be bruise in there. He decides to hide his hands in his pockets afraid that he might get scolded by his mother.

He can't embarrassed his mother now.

"Ahhh and yeah I'm gonna leave Takemichi here now" Takemichi mother spoke.

Takemichi flinch at that.

She's gonna leave Takemichi. But why?

Wasn't he a good child?

"Mother what do you mean?" Takemichi shivers looking at the lady.

"I can't raise you Takemichi you'll better here with your grandmother" Takemichi mother spoke.

"Ahhh it'll be alright Takemichi there are a lot of kids on the neighborhood you'll get along with them finely" the old lady spoke.

"No---- i----" Takemichi was about to said something.

He felt the air beside him grow even much colder. His mother looks angry now.

"Mom please don't leave me. I never did something wrong if I did I'm sorry don't leave me!" Takemichi cries holding onto his mother legs.

His mother however did not say anything and pry of Takemichi hand.

"Well goodbye now" his mother spoke.

"No don't leave my please I'm a good child right?!!! Why are you leaving me mom please don't go!!" Takemichi cries again running after her mother who was about to enter the car.

"Takemichi!" Her grandmother worriedly spoke as she walk over to the boy who was now kneeling down hugging his mother's leg.

"I'm sorry Mitchi won't ask question anymore Mitchi will clean the house even if his sick. Mitchi won't even care if Mitchi had to sleep outside the house just don't leave me please!!" Takemichi cried.

Was this stupid. Maybe it was but what does a child know. In Takemichi life he got only one thing to do.

Feel grateful if he gets beaten up. Feel happy even if everything is shit. He lives in a life like that. Where there where only darkness surrounding him.



Full of Fear

And Empty.

He was so used to it that he think that violence against him was always right. That he deserves it. That his something that just something. Not someone.

His just a tool. He wonders to why he was clinging on his mother legs. Asking not to be given to someone else.

He felt discarded. It doesn't feel right to him. Was it because the way he live in. In his life he always think that, that life Is the most suitable life for him.

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