Chapter 3: Just A Kid

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⚠️ Hyperventilating ⚠️


Takemichi heart was thumping so loud his ears ringing he felt the world around him spinning. His stomach is churning he wants to puke but he can't.

He felt that the air felt heavy. He can't breathe he felt as if his underwater.

'It hurts' Takemichi felt.

"Hey?!!" He heard the guy spoke.

Takemichi couldn't breath he felt terrible and he felt terrified.

"Hey it's okay calm down" Takemichi could hear the guys voice as he felt a hand in his back.

Takemichi thought that it was warm. And he felt safe. But why is he making him feel that? He doesn't understand.

"It's okay slowly breath in breath out I'll be here with you" The man spoke softly again.

Takemichi tries to calm down and took a deep breath then sigh. His blurry eyes became clearer this time.

He look at the guy his obsidian eyes despite not holding an emotion before. Held something that Takemichi didn't understand.

Pity? Worried?

"Are you fine now you scared me" He spoke again holding Takemichi hands now. His voice full of something Takemichi don't understand.

Takemichi look down.

"Your voice..." Takemichi lightly spoke.

"Hmmm sorry do you hate me talking?" The guy spoke.

"No but your voice is weird" Takemichi replied.

"Ahhehehe maybe.... I should quit vaping" The guy spoke.

But he cough out as he immediately change the subject.

"Hey how old are you?" He asks.

"6?" Takemichi replies.

"Hmmmm your only six. Hey Takemichi why do you not like it here?" The guy ask carefully.

Takemichi fumbles at the hem of his shirt something he do when he felt nervous or the words in his mouth come out weird?

"It's weird" Takemichi replied.

"Hmm what's weird?" The guy asks.

Takemichi look up back to him. Takemichi stares at the guy still the same. Usually he'd get scolded if he tries to talk much to his mother or father. But this guy.

His waiting patiently.

"It felt warm and cozy?" Takemichi said but at the same time asks.

"Hmmm warm? Do you not like it?" The guy asks.

Did Takemichi hates it. No he doesn't but he doesn't particularly like it either.

"I don't know..." Takemichi replied.

"Say Takemichi was is your house like?" The guy asks.

House. The place they live in the place where he was born?

"It's cold, full of screams, and there's a lot of broken things, Mother is always gambling and Father is always Drinking" Takemichi replied.

"..." The guy didn't reply.

Takemichi was looking at the hem of the shirt he was fiddling with.

"Because I was a bad kid neither mom or dad like me. I should've tried harder to make them love me but I was not enough" Takemichi continues.

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