Chapter 10: A Mother, A Sad Story

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Third Person's Pov

Yukia stares at the cloudy sky as she walks down the streets. She wonders what her son is doing. Was he eaging well? Or was he being treated well? Those question was answered she she just visit the Hanagaki household earlier.

It seems like there are people who is willing to support his son. She was happy she was really glad that Takemichi have someone who will love him forever. The woman walk at the street at she notice a bakery shop.

Her eyes scans the delicious sweet dessert. She wonders does his son Like such stuff aswell. She enter the shop and the smell of bread and sugar filled her nose she walks into the counter as she buy some dessert.

Maybe she should go back and give some of these to his son. However it seem like children are coming back from school in this hour she doesn't want to risk seeing Takemichi she's still not ready.

As she wait on her order she stares at the dark clouds forming up in the sky it seems like it's going to rain. She was sitting in the back corner where no one is looking at her. Or she is really hard to see.

She really like the sound and smell of rain it reminds her scent. Her scent are like the smell of oakwood and the freshly watered grass. Her scent was always peaceful yet the life she live in wasn't. She was really a scum for neglecting and partaining to abusing her only son. Her only flesh and blood. She reminiscend her past as she wonders.

'Where did all go wrong?'

Everyone around her thinks that the reason of all of this was because of Takemichi being born however it started way even before the child was born.


Yukia was a beautiful girl despite being poor she was really well loved by her peers and she was smart so scholarship was given to her. She was a respectful and kind gentle lady she was the main character of her story.

Then she met a certain man he looks handsome and he looks really carefree. Yukia fall in love with that man not because of his looks but his attitude he was respectful, kind, and gentle. Was it a facade at first she ask herself.

However it wasn't Yukia don't know what the man's intention however Yukia still can't help to get infatuated towards the guy. At first it was a small crush then turn into love. The man was really the kindest person she ever met.

Then one day she wasn't expecting for him to confess his love. Yukia of course accepted it because she already fell deep for him. It was a really happy love story.

She even met her lover parents just like him they were kind and gentle. But somehow whenever her lover spoke to his own father he seems scared. She then later understand why.

He wasn't abused however he was the youngest child out of the three siblings and his brother were all successful. He had no room for himself to be free at there home because of how heavy the expectation his father have for him.

The mother of her lover however was like him soft, gentle, and kind. A very loveable woman. She was happy to get to see her lovers parent because she doesn't have one. She have aunts and uncles but her parents are already gone.

The two lovers live a happy life and when they're in the age of 23 the man confess of wanting to get married. Shock by this however Yukia said Yes and love from the two grew stronger.

However, it all went downhill from there. One evening Yukia lover have gone home he looks really tired and there were bags under his eyes. He was also drunk Yukia asks what's wrong however the man just lash out on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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