Chapter 4: The Feeling of Warmth

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Third Person's POV

It's been a week since Takemichi lived with her grandmother. He tried to get along finely With however Takemichi would still act cautious towards the older lady.

Takemichi also didn't leave the house like as if the idea of going out in the unfamiliar neighborhood scares him. Tanuki of course didn't force the kid and want Takemichi to open up on his own.

Takemichi does open up to her but there are still things that Takemichi just hide from her.

What breaks her heart even more is that Takemichi live in a life where he was always told what to do as if his nothing but an empty shell.

A mere puppet. He won't eat unless was ordered too. Despite his stomach growling unless the old lady haven't spoke of him to be allowed to eat. He won't eat he will just sit and wait for orders.

Tanuki wonders. Just how much miserable Takemichi life is how much pain had that young boy endured the moment he came out to this world?

Whenever Takemichi would clean the house she was glad. But what she felt where her whole world shattered was when she accidentally knocked off her glass of water.

The shards of glads of course smash to the ground. She sighed and was about to clean it of when Takemichi suggest that he should clean it.

Of course she was fine with that so she nodded. She then went and grab the dust pan and the vroom however upon coming back.

He felt her heart stop. Takemichi was picking up all the shattered pieces of glass barehand. His hands have obvious cuts of course.

"Takemichi what are you doing?!" The  old lady scream in horror.

Takemichi flinch and dropped everything in his foot. The big shard of glass penetrating the skin of his feet making it bleed.

However Takemichi just look up to his grandmother afraid. Takemichi suddenly knelt down in the shards of the broken glass.

The old lady of course rush over to the boy to make the boy not get hurt anymore.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be slow" Takemichi apologize over and over.

Tanuki eyes was brimming with tears. Why just why does this child deserve the cruelty of this world. Takemichi wasn't crying which most kids do.

As if Takemichi was always used to this. Takemichi looks afraid. Takemichi felt not good of course.

Staying in the house of his grandmother makes him glad Because his grandmother was kind. But he was still scared. What if she got mad at him.

What if she also threw him away. Takemichi can't help but to think that if he did something wrong he'll get abandoned again.

He doesn't want that. Even though he knew himself that his useless. That his nothing but a garbage. Something the shouldn't exist.

But Takemichi felt a warmth embracing him. He felt his grandmother head in his small shoulder. He felt something wet trickle down there in his clothes.

'Was she crying?' he ask himself.

"Ahhh I'm so---" before Takemichi could apologize.

"I'm sorry Michi it was all my fault. If I could've just raise my son better then you wouldn't be born in this cruel world" He heard his grandmother sobs.

"Your strong and you kept trying your best but you have a life your own"

"Sometimes it's fine to think about yourself you know. It's fine to cry get angry it doesn't make you weak or someone who's annoying"

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