Chapter 2 Kookie Groom Kidnapping?

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Eight o'clock at night on the dot.

The asel blue male stood confidently with his large knife on camio Bridge.
This was the place that all marriage sedans must travel through.

<> marriage ceremonies could be very grand or very simple. Kookie and gymon's ceremony was very simple, just a simple trip to the Temple of the Elder of the Moon. At that time, everybody was poor, and since it was for a quest, there wasn't a need to make it so meaningful.

But today's ceremony between gyumon and Hylo was definitely very grand.

There were hundreds of flower wreaths on the streets, people playing gongs before the sedan that was carried by eight people, the highest grade of food at the entirely reserved restaurant-tower, not to mention everybody at the wedding banquet would receive a red pocket with 888 gold.

There were already rumours about this wedding, as Hylo's reputation was there and gyumon was not entirely unknown either. Many were shocked at this wedding and so the players came to gape at the ceremony.

On Camio Bridge, the male stood motionlessly, his shadow thin and expression somber.

At this moment, the world channel had exploded.

{World} : Everybody look, I see gyumon's ex-wife on camio Bridge!

{World} : Yup, I can see him.

{World} : Me too. *sigh* I feel his figure is so sad. We always only see the joy of the new, we never see the grief of the old.

{World} : There's slang again. I really hate internet slang.

World} : I saw him earlier and now I'm standing right beside him. Ooh, today's going to be exciting! I feel he's going to kidnap the groom.

{World} : I support jeon Kookie marriage by capture!!! Hylo belongs to me!!!

{World} : ... ...

After that, the opposing side came out.

{World} : Even though hylo is beautiful, I still have to say, he did not do this properly. Stealing somebody's husband and bragging about it, isn't he afraid of karma?

{World} : Yeah. Jeon Kookie is a pretty good person, very loyal.

{World} : Look at kookie, he's so sad he can't speak a word.

{World} Hehe, he's displaying his skills at stealing somebody else's husband. Hylo is shameless shameless shameless shameless shameless shameless ¥%%¥※×......(the swearing was censored by the system)

This "hylo 180" was Hylo's sworn archenemy. n.o.body knew why there was such enmity. For no reason, the player will come out and swear at him. According to rumors, he was killed many times, but with each death, he got more bold. Every time after being deleted, he would register again. The number after his name was supposedly the number of times he was deleted.

At the sight of this person, hylo's close friends couldn't resist joining in.

{World} [ Fei]: You shameless person, shut your mouth! Whose saying Hylo is the other man? Don't think so highly of yourself, you aren't qualified to label hylo the other man !!!

{World} : If somebody wants to kidnap the groom, let them try. Don't think you are invincible if you are on the PK charts. Our hylo Family is all here, we're just afraid n.o.body will try.

{World} [wsn]: men that are on the PK charts must be monsters, gyumon's choice isn't wrong.

Due to the chatter on the world channel, everyone started to head to camio Bridge. Jungkook came out of the washroom and found such a scene. His asel blue clad was standing in the middle of a huge crowd but there was an empty circle around him, standing in the very middle.

Then the speech bubbles continuously came out from the surrounding players, the most frequent being "Support jeon Kookie groom kidnapping! Support jeon Kookie groom kidnapping! Support jeon Kookie groom kidnapping! Support jeon Kookie groom kidnapping! " kookie was struck dumb.

he just got on to the game, went to Camio Bridge and then left to go to the washrrom. It couldn't have been five minutes. What could have happened?

Groom kidnapping?

Yes, the game did allow kidnapping of a spouse, but there were several requirements. First, there was a large fee that had to be paid to the system. Secondly, there had to be three continuous wins in 3 PK matches and lastly, the person has to agree to be kidnapped and consequently to the marriage. . . if the person didn't agree, the kidnap would be considered a failure. So except for those who were seriously infatuated, only brain-dead players would try to kidnap somebody at their wedding.

What did he do that would make everybody think that he was going to attempt kidnapping?

Kookie looked on with a face full of despair, pondering that if he suddenly decided to escape, would the gossiping crowd think that he was heartbroken?

As kook struggled over whether to leave or not, his friends list was bouncing, full of friends asking him what was going on. Kook didn't reply to any of them, deleting every message. The sect channel was also full of discussion, the majority of the males siding with gyumon and the majority of the females siding with kook. There were also some that were trying to tell kook not to take it so hard, since everybody was from the same clan, and not do anything too damaging.

The chat box started bouncing again. When kook open it, the sender was gyumon. He seemed to be enraged, and the tone of the message wasn't polite at all. "What is it, weren't you so cool with this yesterday? And I tried to repay you, it was you that didn't accept."

Kook wanted to weep but could squeeze out any tears. he typed back powerlessly: "Friend, I only came ... ... to ... ... look ... ..."

To Glam to
Give A Damn😏
💐💐 Fuckology 💐💐

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