Chapter 23 The Most Unlikely Couple

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The remains of the sunset fell upon his body, endowing him with a halo. Jungkook gazed at his inking brows and fell into a complete trance. After a long while, emotions surged up from the bottom of the heart. Complicated and extreme feelings arose. It was that of a heart wanting to die, a type of heart-broken indignation.
When, when were they in that type of relationship! Even though he really wanted to have that type of relationship but definitely not like this ... ...
But coming back to it, his initial position was to try to capture Master . Now that the upgraded version of Master was saying it, if he didn't accept, didn't he lose that way?
Accepting was a great loss, not accepting was also a great loss. This was ... ...
Jungkook's internal programming started to mess up, watching his own brain process forming an unending loop, he swiftly yelled to his self ––
Don't think anymore!
Don't think about Master's words, there was no survival there. Just pretend he didn't hear it, and quarantine it like a virus.
Jungkook tried to brainwash himself, not realizing his ears were going up in flames. Kook pretended to be composed and met Taehyung 's gaze: "Since there isn't enough time, let's bike then."
This wasn't compromising. It was him suddenly realizing that walking there, was definitely more attention-catching than riding there. At the very least, walking would take more time and have a high chance of seeing others. Biking was much faster. Maybe they would pa.s.s by without anybody getting a clear look at him.
Really, if there was a match today, why did he agree to meet up? Tomorrow would have been fine. And at the beginning he had said six. Seven was the start of the match. If they met at six, did he want to go to the stadium for the date?
No,no, it wasn't a date. It's a meetup, meetup ... ...
Against the light, Tae examined him. His defenses were really weak. Should he attack or stand down? Should he push through in one thrust or gently dissolve it?
His computing speed was always fast. In an instant, he had his decision. He peacefully called his name: "Jungkookie ?"
"Actually, my biking skills are pretty good."
Ah? Kook peered at him in confusion.
"So, your expression doesn't have to this," Tae slowly continued, "look like you are walking to your death."
Jungkook"... ..."
So his expression was already this tragic ... ...
Taking a healthy att.i.tude of "it's just along the streets", Kook got onto the bike. But the moment he got on, without feeling any special feelings, he started to regret it. Because he just realized, she was wearing a skirt today ... ...
Originally, definitely attracted attention. In just a few minutes on the bike, there were a lot of stares.
Kook was almost going to jump off the bike to have an emotional breakdown, his legs unconsciously moved back but it didn't help. The bag he brought along was too small and couldn't hid anything ... ... it was all Master's fault for being too amazing. It caused himto not think properly.

Another two male students riding bikes turned their heads to follow.
Tae suddenly hit the breaks.
Kook paused before jumping down. Taehyung said coldly: "I'm going to buy something."
Kook looked at his upright figure walk towards a corner store at the side of the street. After a while, he came out with a large bag that he handed to him.
"Drinks. The food today was too salty, later you'll be thirsty."
The food wasn't salty, and even if it was, there was no need to buy this much. Other than drinks, there were also snacks. Kook hugged the bag to himself suspiciously but after sitting down again on the bike, he found the benefit of the large bag. Hehehe, it could hide his legs.
Without the stares, Kook was finally released from the awkwardness. Not having to directly face Taehyung , for the first time today, Kook had the time to himself to think.
But there really wasn't anything to ruminate on.
The summer breeze gently blew over. The bike travelled through the rays of the sunset, past trees burdened with blooming greenery, riding along the wide campus road ... ...
Everything seemed so perfect.
Jungkook thought, I have to be more courageous.
Taehyung , so what if it was Taehyung ? After he would be Taehyung . But to him, the present him was more Tae. Just tae. And he, liked him.
There was a small slope not far away. Kook licked his lips, raised his hand and gently, tightly, grabbed onto the clothes of the person before him.
The bike suddenly slowed down.
The corner of Kook 's lips rose, his other hand tightly hugging that gigantic bag of snacks.
Of course, courage still depended on the time and place. At this point, Jungkook 's courage did not include walking with Taehyung together into the basketball stadium under the eyes of everybody.
So, when they reached the outside of the stadium while Taehyung was occupied with locking his bike, Jungkook threw down "I'llfindmyfriendstowatchtogetherandcontactyouatnightonline" and abandoned Master in a flash. he still remembered to take along that bag of snacks.
While fleeing, he kept on doing mental work. he definitely wasn't running away before the battle. It was to attack by retreating! Yes, it was to attack by retreating and being a tsundere.
In conclusion, there was the legendary battle tactics.
Jungkook entered the gymnasium from the side door.
There were still more than ten minutes before the game would start but inside it was packed. The bleachers were all full and some people were even standing. Jungkook tried to search for his friends among the spectator seats. A few days ago, he had heard them discussing this match. They probably came as well. he didn't find them on his first round of search. On the second round, it was Eunwoo who found him first and stood up to wave him over.
At this time, the populace inside the stadium noticed him as well. The excited atmosphere visibly increased.

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