Lucky Liars(the actual Finale and Retrospective)

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This is just a retrospective on this project and what I would do to 'fix it'. It's also a safe zone for anyone to admit who they wish would have fucking died.

Trigger warnings:Stalking, Fame, mentions of suicide, mentions of imposter syndrome, mentions of panic attacks, language.

What we have: In my personal opinion, Lucky Lairs is in desperate need of a re-wright. There is no Theme, several plot lines are unfinished or make 0 sense, people die for 0 reason and 0 screen time, and it ends very abruptly.

Trust me, I gave you the story I had(with the obvious modifications). I didn't change the talents or death order from the last update on the pages doc, nor any of the plot lines. The only things I changed was the places that made me uncomfortable and mad to even read. The Major ones are: Stalking plot line, Yudai's response to Yamasaki's apology, Nikko's death, and 2 intermissions. The others are minor and I feel no need to tell you them.

If I would rewrite this: Let's start off with giving this game a main protagonist, looking at them, and going from there.

Yudai. Just make Yudai the main protagonist, maybe Yuna the side protagonist.

Personally I would minimize the stalker plot line If I chose to keep it(Think Kiyo's mass murders or Kanade's... incest...), as well as the boxes(I'd probably cut the boxes).

When we look at the theme, I'd definitely change it to Yudai's main implied theme. The reality of fame, as well as a sub theme of Sympathy vs Empathy or Empathy vs Apathy.

Explanation: Yudai and Mizuki, throughout the story, have a General theme of being a somebody and the reality of that. In this rewrite I think I would make Yudai seem to be a lot more threatening than he is in this game.
To explain Mizuki, I'd go with that he has been done with his reality of popularity, successes, ect. and when he gets his acceptance letter from Hopes Peak he can't stand it anymore. He considers just killing himself but he will still be considered the Ultimate he's not, so he swaps with a ultimate obsessed nobody Yudai to be treated like a normal person, the thing he actually wanted.

I do think it could be a good idea to have a lot more... competitive motives? Like the Me-Tokens in YTTD.

The sub theme would probably come in because of the motives and the tension that comes with them.

Also DON'T forget characters exist, I'm 99% sure Yuna just hopped out of the story for a good two chapters.

I do imagine throughout the story(more commonly after every trial) the ghost of the unnamed student, Mizuki, would just be in any reflective surface Yudai looks into and just either encourage him to keep going or straight up antagonize him.
Also, make a character a huge fashion nerd for extra tension after the reveal or a good first victim.

This would cause a lot of different talents and I decided a few new talents that would fit well into the rewrite:

Mizuki Hibi-Rin Ultimate Fashion Designer(just to drive home the upperclassmanship of the 'protag')

Syo Itsuki, Ultimate Influencer(Good bye lucky student, hello you piece of human shit.)

Reizou Nagisa, Kichi Akichihiko, Aki Zaizen, Souto Nori, would have one of the following:
Lucky Student(...)
Taste Tester
Or something along these lines.

The reason these talents were chosen was because of the fact that I wish to drive in the fact of fame, of course I would leave some of the characters as the original talents(most likely Kichi, Iruka, Yamasaki, and Aki). These talents would be used mostly for the Themes, of course this could be something for the mastermind to play with and for the characters to react upon themselves.

Things I'd keep: Mori's concussion(anyone could be Yudai), Someone and Zen knowing each other before the game, the traitors, Kichi's execution, Yamasaki, Suki, and Yudai being friends before the reveal, Syo being a bitch in chapter 5, Yudai's attempted suicide(A lot more foreshadowing though), Yamasaki becoming the antagonist mid game, Mori comforting Yudai.

That's about it.

If I would pick a death order for the new rewrite now it would be:(this isn't accurate to the actual rewrite)


K2:Kenji(I like this too much)

V3(2): Haruki
K3: Iruka(Kichi gets executed)

V4: Lilith
K4: Suki

V5: Syo
K5: Zen

MM: Souto or Zen???
Traitors: Kichi/Lilith

Yudai Sasuki
Yamasaki Akemi
Mori Yoshi
Yuna Kēti
Iruka Luna

Any finally...

Personal opinions:

Favorite character:
Yudai Suzuki

Least favorite:
Zen Akita

Character with the least effort in them:
Presumably Aki Nagisa

Character with the most effort in them:
Presumably Mizuki Hibi-Rin/Yudai Sazuki

The character that I want to put into a fangan again:
Yudai Suzuki/Mizuki Hibi-Rin

The Character that don't want to write ever again: (but will put my self through for the rewrite)
Zen Akita

Friendship I enjoyed writing the most(original):
Yudai, Yamasaki, and Suki

Friendship I enjoyed writing this time:
Iruka and Kichi(angst, that's it).

Rivalry that enjoyed last time:
Zen and Nikko/Souto

Rivalry I enjoyed this time:
Kenji and Yudai(even if it was short, and ooc).

Favorite Victim:
Mori Yoshi(I'm counting it)

Favorite Killer:
Kenji Nou

Favorite Survivor:
Yudai Suzuki

The chapter I would rewrite the most: Chapter 6

The trial I would rewrite the most: Chapter 1/3/5

And that's the final end to this fangan-... oh wait.

For now, this is the end of this Story.

... I may have reused 3 of these guys for another fangan... if I get to it(I have like 12 more).

Also I might start a rewrite... that won't be for a while though.

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