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song for this chapter:
Softly - Clairo
(link added if you'd like to listen while reading!)

April 4



Could that be? Maybe I'm getting way too ahead of myself

It draws us together by a single gust of wind regardless of how stubborn the weather might be on its destined time; no matter where our schedules takes us, we always seem to catch each others glances in the most odd scenarios.

Like the first time, this one contradicted any of those odds.

I was sitting out front of El's Coffee Shop when I noticed a bright orange colored long sleeved sweater with some green details by the hems of it that adorned that familiar figure I can't seem to get rid of no matter how hard, or far, I trotted each day.

Right across the street from where I took place was that same figure that embodied a type of radiance you wouldn't quite find if you stared at the sun long enough until your eyes started seeing different hues of color.

It was the kind you'd find in a place your mind travels to whenever your days can't seem to get a grip and there's no point of holding onto any last bearings of hope there might be.

The way his chestnut locks bounced with every step he took seemed to vibrate from the tip of my toes, all the way through the cycle of my blood stream, until it reached the very center of my heart, making it falter its rhythm and betray me.

I quickly glanced away in hopes that he wouldn't notice my awkward staring every two seconds and brought the brim of my cup up to my lips in an attempt to hide from his glance. Taking a quick sip, I let the spices of my chai latte linger on my tongue for a second before swallowing.

Though, as if he felt me just like I could feel him anywhere our lives seemed to put us in the same places at the same time, he lifted his gaze directed towards me, his eyebrows raised in complete surprise like he couldn't believe it were possible we would find each other for the millionth time this week.

The first being at the train station while I blew up my ear drums with my earphones on blasting Tupelo Honey by Van Morrison to cancel out any disturbing noise the herd of people coming in and out of their intended stops produced.

He stood next to me as we waited for our ride, somehow waiting for the perfect moment to pitch in his introduction, or more so, our funny predicament.

Just as he leaned in to tap my shoulder, the train came flying by, the rush of air blowing away my papers all other the place while I frantically jumped to pick them up in midair.

After what seemed like forever, I finally picked up the final piece of paper when I felt a tap on my shoulder and quickly turn to be met with a pair of sage colored eyes that had my breath faltering for a second, before I gathered myself quickly and spoke,

"Oh my God, thank you so much. You just quite literally saved my ass from having to go back to the printer shop and having to reprint these."

I gave him a subtle once over, taking note of his outfit choice. He was wearing a simple athletic matching t-shirt and basketball shorts set. This was pared with some black running sneakers and his mess of hair adorned with a red bandana, giving away that he had either just finished his evening jog or left the gym.

He opened and closed his mouth a few times, seeming to have an internal battle on what to say, until finally, with a shrug and a light smile, he decided on replying, "It's nothing. By the way, I heard you listening to Morrison a bit ago, love the song choice."

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