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song for this chapter:
Worries - Tom Rosenthal
(link added if you'd like to listen while reading!)

July 22
(Same Night)


"Jare- baby, are you okay?"

Her mouth barely opens to respond when she chokes on a sob, completely betraying her and having her knees nearly giving out in front of me.

"No, no, fuck Jarelle, I'm here, baby." I'm quick to rush over and engulf her in a tight hug, squeezing her shoulder and kissing the top of her head repeatedly. "It's okay, let it out. I'm here, baby."

She clings onto the fabric of my shirt, which I'm sure is soaked with her tears by now, pulling me impossibly closer to herself as she continues letting out every ear deafening cry she's most likely held back for weeks.

I continue whispering reassurances against her hair and smoothing my hands up and down the length of her back.

At some point, her body is too exhausted to hold up herself up, making her knees slowly give out. I take the hint and pull us down to sit on the floor, shuffling us so she's sitting sideways on my lap and I cradle her body like you would a child.

I lift my head from her shoulder, feeling her rush to meet my eyes, but it's already too late for her to distract me from looking around when I voice out my first thought, "Rory... why is it so empty here?"

She leans her head back down frantically shaking her head against my chest, choking out more sobs when I unlatch my arms from around her to place my hands on each cheek and pull her back to look at me.

I swipe my thumbs underneath her eyes, clearing them of any tears and making sure to steer any oncoming ones out of the way before slowly repeating with a soft tone, "Where are your things, baby?"

"They're gone. I sold most of them."

Confusion washes over my face, my eyes searching hers for any more answers.

I can't take how agonizing it feels to finally have her in my arms, only for it to be in this situation and not wrapped up worshipping each other in the most graceful ways.

"Why did you sell them? What am I missing here?" My tone turns serious yet maintaining a soft tone for the sake of her distraught state.

"I needed the money. It was either that or starve myself to have a roof over my head." Her voice is hoarse as she replies.

"Wait, what do you mean starve yourself? Have you been eating what I've been having delivered here for you?"

"I've been sharing most of it with Lydia." she says, leaning her forehead to rest on my shoulder once again.

"Okay, so what have you been eating throughout the day then?"

"Whatever I find in my cabinets." She whispers.

"No. Harry, please do-" She rushes out, but it's too late when I pull us up to stand and head towards the kitchen to pull open her cabinets.

Only to find they're completely empty.

I rush over to the fridge to find a single gallon of water and some yogurt and some scraps of the breakfast I'd sent her just this morning.

"What the fuck?" I say, my voice going up a few notches, "What the fuck?" I say louder this time, shutting the fridge's door and walking back to Jarelle.

I crouch right in front of her and grasp her chin between my thumb and index finger, lifting her head up and sternly saying, "When was the last time you had a full meal, and don't bullshit me."

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