part 2

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Author - I am sorry army's I made lots of mistakes in earlier part so now I'll take care of my writing skills and pls follow me and I am really sorry.

yn's pov - i was in my dream land then a glass of water splashed on my face.

Yn - what the fu*..

I was about  curse then I saw my mother Resting her hand on her waist and looking at me like she gonna kill me if I'll say single word. 

Mrs lee - so what are you saying huh??

Yn - nothing eomma but what are you doing here

Mrs lee - i came here to wake you up.

Yn - but eomma this is how you wake a person look I am all wet and today is weekend so why are you waking me up let me sleep.

Mrs lee - i was shouting your name since one hour but you didn't respond that's why I did this and look its 12 in the afternoon I am waking you up for lunch come fast or I'll smack your ass.

Yn - okayy I'll come you just go you are scaring me.

Mrs lee - come fast your appa and I am waiting for you.

Yn - yeah!!

I quickly took shower and went downstairs then i  saw my parents were having lunch.

Yn - good morning appa

Mr lee - its afternoon princess

Yn - ohh sorry

Mr lee - its ok come have lunch.
We are having lunch silently then my eomma Suddenly said.

Mrs lee - yn after lunch help me with house chores you have to do laundry,dishes and clean bathroom and toilet too then we will clean whole house

Yn 's pov - after hearing her I choked on my food.

Yn - eomma are you serious you are telling me to do all this work alone are you really my mom how can you do this to your daughter, Appa tell eomma to go easy on me I am just small little girl

( puppy eyes that can make any Father in the world melt)

Mr lee - ofcourse yn eomma how can you do this to my daughter she is just so small kid  its weekend let her enjoy and this is first time  you are telling her to do house chores why ??

Mrs lee - because after 2 weeks she is going to be senior and she have to behave like girls and she have to learn all house chores.

Mr lee - so what she is just small kid.

Mrs lee - kid?? Are you kidding me yn appa she is 17years old and gonna be 18soon already and look at her who will say she is girl look such a tomboy ,she wears clothes like boys talk like boys walk like boys and attitude is also like boys nothing in her is like girls.

Yn - no mom i have something in me which only girl can have.

Mrs lee - and whats that??

Yn - periods boys can't have that mom

Mrs lee - yah!! You little brat.

Mr lee - what's wrong with that to be like that  huh??

Yn - ofcourse eomma i don't have to change my self I love my self okay don't worry.

Mrs lee - but look who will marry to you if you'll have this type of attitude huh??
Boys like girls who are shy cute and behave like girls.

Yn - eomma look if a guy will love me truly then he'll accept me as what am I  and he also  Don't want to change me he'll love me the way I am and don't worry I think there is someone in the world who love me truly so don't worry.

Mrs lee - but you are a girl yn.

Yn - ohh thankyou for telling me that mrs lee i don't know that I am girl.

Then mr lee start laughing while mrs lee looked at him angryly.

Mrs lee - why are you laughing huh is that a joke are you making fun of me yn appa.

And then yn took advantage of this moment and escaped from her house.

Mr lee - look your daughter is gone.( He teased her)

Mrs lee - yahh!! you come here ynn!yn!!!

But yn is already escaped from there.

Mrs lee - look because of you she run away now I have to do all house chores alone

Mr lee - don't be sad darling I'll help you okay now let me eat my breakfast silently.

Mrs Lee - whatever

Yn's pov - finally i came out I am feeling so good cause i don't have to hear more lecture from my mom and ofcourse no need to do housework also. 

all day I played some games and I also eat icecream and also I went to amusement park. Alone cause yes I don't have friends so I hang out with myself and I am happy for that. After wandering here and there I saw my watch its 10 pm.

Yn - shitt!! Mom will kill me shitt shit!!
Yn's pov -Then I quickly rushed towards my home.

Then I saw a small boy playing on road while his mother is on phone. ( careless mom)

He was playing then I saw a very black car is coming towards him and that car is very expensive and its looking like vip car.

I rushed towarda him and covered him in my arms and we both sat on road while I was covering him in my arms I covered my eyes very tightly and his too cause I  don't know what gonna happen next.

After sometime somone flashed car lights on my face I am not abel to see him but then I realized that the car is so closed to us but It didn't touch us then I stand up with that little boy and checked him if he is okay or not.

Yn - hey little boy are you okay??

Boy - yeah noona(big sister) I am okay.
Then that boy's mom came towards us

Boy's mom - are you okay my baby??

Boy - yeah I am okay eomma.

Boy'S eomma - thank you so much for saving my child.

Yn - its okay but take care of your child miss.

She nodded
I went towards car but that bastard is continuously flashing lights on my face and I covered my face with one hand to look in the car but I can't see anyone I was very angry that time.

Yn - hey you bloody dumbass don't you have eyes are you blind?? If you don't know how to drive then stay at home.

I was continuously shouting but this guy is not even coming out of car such a stubborn

then suddenly my phone rang and i saw caller id and its none other than my mom  I forgot that its already late.

then I saw 2 or three tall mans are coming out of car and wearing very expensive clothes like spoiled kids  I don't saw there faces becasue they are wearing mask and black caps but

I don't have time to argue with them then I told that boys mom to talk with them cause I am getting late then I left from there.

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