Part 28

424 19 2

Tae - you!!

Yn - whattt!!! ( wide eyes)

Tae - you!! I mean you are my assistant so you have to be with me.

Yn - ahh!! But taehyungshii i have practices so.

Tae - okay  but don't you think that lots of time you are only in practice room or doing some other work.

Yn - sorry taehyungshii!!

Tae - its okay you can go now its late.

Yn - yeah.

(Then she left)

Tae - why she is behaving weird(confused)

(Next day)

Tae - umm yn

Yn - sir I have to go now I have practice.

Tae  - but (she left)

(Next day)

Tae - yn come with me I have work for you!

Yn - sir actually i want to go somewhere sorry (she left leaving confused tae😂)

( so many days past and yn still ignoring tae but in these days tae really come to know that she isn't have work she always found an excuse to ignore him but he is kim taehyung he knows that she is ignoring him😂)

( at studio)

JM - what happened tae in these you seem to be really disturbed is something alright.

Tae - ( sigh) actually!!

Suga - don't tell me its related to yn.

Tae - it is!!

Jk - here we go.

Jin - what she did??

Tae - hyung she is ignoring me.

( everyone start laughing)

Tae - yahh!! Why you guys are laughing ☹️

Jhope - aww our tae wants attention from his girl 😂.

Tae - hyung i am serious.

Suga - yahh! how can she is ignoring you she is your assistant and she have to be with you most of the time right??

Tae - exactly hyung but she is not.

Rm - wdym by that??

Tae - actually in these days she is just giving me excuses and not even talking with me properly.

Jm - yeah he is right I also noticed that whenever you called her she just said I have to go here I have practice.

Tae - exactly!! and I am really disturbed by that really.

Suga - tae i think she don't like you.

Tae - hyunggg don't say that..... I love her.

Jin - yah!! Yoongi stob it why you are so rude don't you have any feelings.

Suga - nope!! And I am saying truth.

Tae - well I am gonna ask her today why she is doing this with me.

Jk - yeah of course go ask her why she is ignoring you.

Tae - yeah kook i am gonna ask her now.

(And he left)

Jhope - our tae really love her I hope he'll don't get hurt.

JM - no hyung don't worry yn is good gurl she ain't gonna hurt him.

Suga - yeah but what if she really don't like him.

Jin - yah!! you shut your mouth.

Suga - whatever!!


Tae - yn stop

Yn - umm actually taehyungshii i have to go. (As she about to go tae grabbed her wrist and turned her pinned her to wall)

Yn ( nervous) - what are you doing taehyungshii??

Tae - first tell me why you are doing this huhh??

Yn - whaa!! What i did??

Tae - you are ignoring me don't you.

Yn ( fuck) - nope!! I am not!! and why would I ignore you??(fake smile)

Tae - no you are ignoring me tell me why you are ignoring me??

Yn ( in mind) - bcz i love you

Tae - telll me why you are doing this!!

Yn - no I am not

Tae - umm hmm are you sure (raising one eyebrow)

Yn - yeah

Tae - then whenever I called you why you said you are busy or doing some work and giving me excuses hmm??

Yn - no taehyungshii you are wrong and well if I ignore you why'd you care hnn??

Tae - wdym by that??

Yn - just leave me taehyungshii why'd you care if I ignore you or not.

Tae - i do care.

Yn - why??

Tae - bcz i lo!!(He stopped)

Yn - what??

Tae - bcz no one have right to ignore me and you are my assistant so you have to pay attention on me.

Yn - you are so self obsessed taehyungshii!!

Tae - look i don't like it  if anyone ignore me so from now don't ignore me.

Yn - and If I don't do as you say.

Tae ( stepping closer to her face) - ohh!! So you dare to do that hnn?? (Smirk)

Yn's pov - i was so scared he is so close to me!! I can feel his breath on my face his face is so close to me.damn!! That look. Pls stay away or I am gonna loose my control on my body.

Tae - hmm you are not answering me so I'll take it as you gonna do what I say or you have to face consequences ms lee yn ( smirk)

Yn - ookay i am not gonna do that again but pls step back now I have to go!!
( pls just leave me or I am gonna kiss you)

Tae (stepping back) - hmm good girl  you can go now.

And yn quickly left from there like running tae laughed at her reaction.

Tae - look how she get frustrated even I am just closed to her then there is no chance that she doesn't like me well ms yn I am gonna found that very soon be ready to be mine ms ynn😽

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