part 17

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Yn - let's go.
Then jina and yn went towards BTS and when tae saw her an unknown smirk plasters on his face.

Jina - yes sir what would you like to order??
Rm - umm one kimchi soup and two makkgeoli and teotbokki and three eggrols and for desert red velvet cakes.
Jina - okay sir and???
Jin - japchae and ramyeon and bring soju tooo.
Jina - okay sir thank you😊.

Yn didn't even spoked a single word she is standing behind jina and noting the order. But tae saw her and he planned to tease her more.

Yn and jina was about to go when tae stopped them.
Tae - umm Ynshii i don't think you took my order.
Jin - yaahhh i ordered for all of us you don't......
Tae cut jin and said.
Tae - but hyung i also want to order something.
Jin - okay.
Jina - umm yn you take rest order I am going for making this order okay.
Yn - whatt!!! Wait no!! Jinaa no!!!
But before yn could say anything jina left.
Tae - so ynshii aren't you gonna take our order??
Yn - please tell me your order (fake laugh)
Tae - can you give me uhh!!! Ice cream???
Yn - what?? Icecream??
Tae - yeah did you have any problem??
Yn - uhh!! No I'll get you.
Then yn also left.
Jin - yah!! Are you gonna eat ice cream in this cold weather huh??
Tae - no hyung!!
Rm - then why'd you order???
Tae - i don't know I just wanted to tease her that's why.
Jhope - ughh!! This kid🤦‍♂️

after sometime yn and jina made there order and went towards them to serve them.
Yn (in mind) - ughh god pls help me I hope that taehyungshii didn't say anything about that night infront of jina otherwise she will kill me.
Jina - yn ynn!!
Yn - uh yeah??
Jina - why are you so disturbed??
Yn - uhh nothing. Let's go.

Then they reach there table.
Jina - this is your order sir and we also bring other orders it is getting ready
Jhope -  ohh its okay and thankyou.
Yn - and this is your ice cream sir.
Tae - ohh!! Thank you.
And then they were about to go then again tae call her.
Tae - ynshii!!!
Yn - ughh!! Not again!!
Yn - yeah??
Tae - i want chocolate ice cream.
Yn - but you didn't told me the flavor.
Tae - you didn't asked.
Yn - ohh yeah sorry its my mistake I'll change it sorry.
Tae - no !! Its okay I'll eat.
Yn - umm okay.
Tae - BTW ynshii do you know us (smirking)
Yn(in mind) - ohh shitt!! No pls don't say it in front of jina pls😐
yn - yes sir I mean everyone knows you who doesn't know you you are so famous (fake smile)
Tae - no I didn't mean that ugh!! Do you remember that night( smirking)
Jina - what do you mean sir??🤔
Yn - nothing jina.
Tae - ohh so you didn't told her that you stayed that night at my hou.......
Yn cutted tae.
Yn - uhh!! I think jina boss is calling us come let's go.
Jina - butttt!!!
Then yn dragged her from there.
At her reaction tae and everyone were laughing so hard.
Jin - yahh!! Why you teased her😂
jimin - but whatever she is so cute😆
Jk - did you saw that her face was totally red.
Jhope - yeah but why she is so shy and nervous. What if her friend know that she stayed at our house I don't think she gonna kill her.
Tae - actually hyung she is not only shy because of that.
Jhoope - what do you mean?? Did you again did something to her??
Tae - umm no actually that day I said something to her that's why she is ignoring me😂
suga - and what's that??
Tae - I'll tell you some other time.
Jin - yahh!! Tell us.
Tae - nope.
Jin - ahh!! This kid.
Rm - well whatever it is just stop making her nervous she works here tae.
Tae - okayy.
Jimin - but she is really pretty when she blushed. I really like her.
Jhope - ohhh our chimmy like her😄
tae - yahh I'll tell you you can't date her.
Jimin - yahh i am not dating her I said I like her and BTW why are you angry huhh??
Tae - because I ...
Jimin  - what???
Tae - umm nothing.
Then jina came with there another orders. But this time yn was not with her.
Tae - where is your friend??
Jina - actually she is not serving you because she is feeling unwell so she is going home early.
Tae - what??
Jina - uhh! Yeah.
Tae - okay thanks😊.
Then she left.
Jin - wohh!! She left that means tae you really said something To her that she didn't want to come in front of you.
Tae - uhh maybe.
Ugh!! Why she left I come all the way here just to see her and she let ughh!!

Author-what you think that what tae said to her???

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