part 3

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Tae's pov - we are in busan beacuse we have our concert here at night we are going to our hotel and in the car there is me and jimin and jungkookie i am driving the car and we are so tired then I saw I little boy suddenly came in front of my car then I saw a girl who rushed towards that boy and covers him in her arms I stopped the car in front of them and my car is really closed to them then I flashed the car lights on them and then i saw that girl who is covering her eyes very tightly because of fear, her bangs were making her look more pretty I don't know but after looking her my heart start beating fast and I don't know whats the feeling was that but its first time I am feeling like this i was so mesmerized by her that I didn't notice that she is continuously shouting at me calling me dumbass and blind and covering her small face from her small hand.

Tae - beautiful!! this are the words suddenly came from my mouth then someone hit my arm then I came to reality.

Jung kook - hyung what are you doing she is continuously shouting at you and you are looking at her mesmerizyngly are you mad??

Tae - yeah.. I mean i am not looking at her and yahh! Why you hit me ??

Jimin - taehyungaa koookie is right we called your name lots of times but you didn't even take your eyes off from her.

Tae - no I am not looking at her I said (angry)

Jimin - okay I hope they didn't get hit by you. Why don't you drive carefully look if they'll hurt then we are fucked up.

Tae - look i don't do that intentionally and yes look that girl she is cursing at me that means she is alright.

Jimin -i am not talking about her I am talking about that boy.

Jungkook - okay stop fighting and let's get out.

Both nodded
Tae's pov - we went out of the car and my eyes were only looking for that girl but she is not there where she vanished suddenly.

Jimin - hey little boy are you okay?? Are you hurt anywhere??

Boy shook his head as no

Boy's mom - no he is not hurt anywhere but you have to be careful thanks to that girl who saved him.

Taehyung - i am really sorry its my fault.

Boy's mom - its OK (then she looked at them suspiciously) who are you guys I think I saw you before.

Jung kook - no i think you are mistaken us we are just college students

boys's mom - uhh okay.
Then she was about to left but tae stopped her

Tae - umm miss can you tell me where is that girl who saved your child she was shouting earlier but now she is not here is she sacred of us and run from here.

Boy's mom - why would she scared of you guys she just left because she was late that's why not because she is afraid of you.

Tae - ohh okay.

Then they all left from there.

(In the car)
Author pov- tae is continuously thinking about that girl looking out of the window and her face continuously coming in front of his eyes the way she closed her eyes and shouting at tae and he is smiling continuously and yes he is not driving Jung kook is driving and why you know all

jimin - tae taehyunga are you listening mE???

Tae - uhh yeah what??

Jimin - yahh!! Taehyungaa whats with you huh??and why are you asking that women about that girl huh thank god that we are wearing mask and cap so that the woman Didn't recognize us otherwise you know what i am saying.

Jung kook - jimin hyung don't scold him maybe you don't understand he is in love with her.

Tae - yeah!! don't scold me.. wait what??
I am not in love with her kookie what are you saying??

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