part 5

704 26 2

(At cafe)
They reached at the nearest cafe from there studio cause they don't want to shave there eyebrows and they found a tabel and sit there thankfully in that cafe there are not lots of costomors cause it's already late and they are also wearing cap and mask so no one can recognize them.

tae - this place is quite decent and nice and thank god there are not lots of costomors.

Jimin - yeah okay then let's order something I am hungry!!

Jungkoook- i want 4 banans milks
Jimin - you said you'll buy 2??

Jung kook - yeah but now I want four

Jimin - this kid!!okay I want one ice Americano.

Tae - i also one ice amaricano and chocolate pastry is good okay??

They both nodded
Jimin- now tae go and order for us.

Tae - okay! Wait!! Why me ??

Jung kook- in this cafe they are not coming to take our order we have to go there to give our order.

Tae - i know that but why should I go to order??

Jimin - because this is your plan so you have to order right kookie??

Jungkook - yeahh

Tae - ahh!! Okay

Tae's pov - as i went near to order counter there is no one on the order counter.

Tae - excuse me!  Is there anyone??
No one is on counter strange.

Yn's pov - i was in my cafe shop working part time yes I work there as partimer cause I have to pay for my art classes and my parents don't know about it cause I told them that I have extra classes at night and come to my part time job. I was thinking that how to tell my parents about Seoul then suddenly a glass from counter fell down and I bent down to pick it up then I heard a male voice and I suddenly stood up to take order.

Yn - yes sir what do you want??

I asked him two three times for order but he is continuously staring at me and not even responding such a weird guy I wave my hand in front of his face and then he snap out.

yn - sir I said what do you want??

????- uhh!! I want... I want two iced amaricano and 4 banana milks and chocolate pastrys.

Yn - okay wait a minute sir.

I told him and went to make his order bout I found two eyes were continuously staring at me he is observing my every move I can't see his face because of mask but he is looking rich and tall to I got uncomfortable by his staring so I looked at him then he finally looked away.

Yn - sir your order
?????- uhh!! Thank you.

Then he went away strange guy

Tae's pov - i was standing there but no one is on counter.

Tae - excuse me is there anyone??
Then suddenly a girl stood in front of me and after seeing her my cheeks start burning and heart start beating so fast yess!! she is the same girl

I was continuously staring at her then she called me making me snap out she asks for my order then she starts making my order but I was

continuously looking at her then she caught me staring at I suddenly looked away embarrassing myself

Then after taking my order I went towards my tabel. But smiling

Jimin - what takes you so long huhh?? and why are you smiling??

Tae - actually (in mind - should I tell them that I saw her again,no!!no they'll tease finally after that day they stopped teasing me and what if jimin ask her out for ad date ughh!! So what if he ask her what are you thinking kim taehyung okay just don't tell them.

Jimin - what are you thinking??
Tae - uhh nothing actually the order was not ready that's why(fake laugh)

Jimin - uhh!! Okay

Taking his sip from coffee (in mind - I know taehyungaa you are hiding something but am your soul mate I'll found out)

Jimin - i want to go to washroom I'll come okay.

Tae and jk both nodded.

Jimin's pov - i was heading towards the washroom then I saw a familiar figure on order counter I stopped there to see her when she turned towards me i saw her and my eyes widened and smirk formed in my face  yes she is the same girl and tae lied to me and this is the reason you are smiling
And blushing. Then I went towards my table and smirk is plastered on my face.

After finishing our drinks leave the cafe and went towards our studio.
(In the car)

Jimin - i know why are you blushing before taehyungaa??

Tae - whatt?? What do you mean?? ( shitt !! Did he saw her no no!!)

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