Part 37

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(Tae straightly went to trainee room and he again saw her with that guy and she seems happy!! His blood boil he is so angry without thinking anything he went in and dragged yn by her hand infront of every traineees yn is also confused why he is doing this!!)

Yn - Taehyungshii!! Stop where are you taking me!! Pls stop!!

(But he isn't seems to listen anything yn saw that he was angry but why she don't know)

Yn - i said stop taehyungshii!!you are hurting me!!

(And after hearing this he stopped and pinned her against wall and there is no one except them)

Tae - am I hurting you???(he asked in a very deep voice giving yn so many shivers)

Yn - what happened?? Why you dragged me here??

Tae - you lied to me yn!! You lied!!

Yn - what are you saying can you pls tell me what is happening??

(He showed her pictures)

Tae - you love this guy don't you??

(After seeing pictures yn's eyes widened)

Yn - so what If I do!! Why do you care???

Tae - that means you love him???

Yn - why would I tell you!! let me go!! (She was about to go but tae stopped her)

Tae - you don't love him right?? you are not dating him?? Tell me!!!

Yn - i love him!!

( Yn was controlling her tears)

Tae - no!! say that again into looking in my eyes


Tae -  look into my eyes and tell me???


Tae - FUCKING ANSWER ME!! YOU LOVE HIM OR NOT!!(he shouted making yn scared)

(She straightly looked in his eyes and said)

YN -YES I LOVE HIM!! got your answer now let me go!! ( and she leaves tae there heartbroken)

YN -YES I LOVE HIM!! got your answer now let me go!! ( and she leaves tae there heartbroken)

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A/N - (Sorry I only got this🥺)

(Yn quickly leaves the company and she went away from there)

(On the other hand tae came in a studio heartbroken and members saw him in a mess)

Jimin - tae look!! I thin!!!

Tae - she said she loves him (in a low voice)

Jin - what!!!??

Tae - she said she loves him!!she said she loves him!!! she loves him!!
sh!! She!!! she loves him!!

( and he started throwing things here and there in anger and he is not in his control then suddenly a glass piece cutted his hands)

( and he started throwing things here and there in anger and he is not in his control then suddenly a glass piece cutted his hands)

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