part 31

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Yn's.pov - i came home with taehyungshii he didn't drop me at home bcz its not safe so I came from bus stop.

( at rooftop  yn is sitting and the tears were flowing from her cheeks and she is almost crying)

Yn - well now you are happy yn?? He have someone in his life whom he like I was the dumb one who just let my feelings grow for him I was the wrong one who still love him why god?? Why?? Why you always do that with me ?? I never fell in love with anyone before he is my first love sorry was,and its one sided.

Why?? I never feel anything like that for someone why I always get weak infront of him.

Where is the strong yn?? Who never cries even for herself and now I am crying for him after knowing that he likes someone.why?? Isn't I am aware that he never gonna be mine but still it hurts.
(And she started crying......)

Jina's pov - its so late and everyone is sleeping but still yn isn't home where is she??

then I started calling her but she is not even picking calls.

then I heard some noises from rooftop and then I went towards rooftop and I saw that yn is crying.

what really yn is crying the girl who never cries in these time this is my first time seeing her cry she is so strong and now she is crying but why??? Then I quickly went to her.

Jina - yn !! Yn are you okay why are you crying yn??( she quickly hugged me and I tap her back for calming her down and then I hold her face and she was in a mess her hairs her eyes were puffy and red actually I was hurt by just seeing her like that bcz it was my first seeing her like that she never cries)

Jina - calm down calm down yn!! Tell me why are you crying what happened pls tell me.

Yn (crying badly while hugging her) - it!!!! I!! It hurts hurts... It hurts so muchhh!!??

Jina - what hurts yn?? are you hurt anywhere?? ( she started checking her)

Yn - it hurts very much!!! I love him Jina I love him very much!!!!( crying)

Jina - yn pls baby calm down!!! You are scaring me !! And you love him whom are you talking about?? And whoever it is if he hurts you then tell me I am gonna kill him whomever he is.

(Still she was just crying)

Jina - yn pls tell me what happened pls and who the f**k is he?? Pls.

After sometime yn calm down and stop crying then jina made her sit and still pattting her back.

Jina - look now tell me what happened?? And who hurt you??

(Then yn told her everything what happened)

Jina (sigh) - so you love him??

Yn - look jina pls don't tell anyone that I cried for this even after knowing that he is an idol and he can't be mine I know I am being immature but I can't control my feelings.

Jina - what why'd you think that you are immature?? You are not.

and the thing is that its not a crime to like someone right??

And its not your mistake that the person you like happens to be an idol and you know its really hard to admit that he never gonna be yours okay.

So your are not at fault okay and don't worry I am not gonna tell anyone that you cried.

Yn -i know.

Jina - But yn why?? I mean you aren't type of girl who cries for even yourself then why are you crying for him ??

Bcz I know when you are deeply like very deeply hurt then you cry otherwise there is no chance you'll cry. Do you love him that much??

Yn - maybe... I just don't know even I am surprised!!! You know jina love is the only thing in this world which can make a bad person to good and can make a good person to bad! can make a weak person strong and a strong person weak.

Jina -  i know yn but still. well now what you gonna do now?? Will you'll be okay to work with him???

Yn - i can't do anything about that though..well don't worry I'll be okay I am gonna get rid of this feelings fast bcz  i have to focus on my career so I'll try my best.

Jina- but you know loving an idol is very hard but we can't do anything bcz one day they gonna get there life partner and yn look even in your condition they know you you can talk with them but think of those army's who just love them but still they are like non - existing for there idols. Hmm??

Yn - hmm you are right jina...but you know that's why it hurts more bcz we are close to them and they know us.

Jina - that's also right but still yn you know i am gonna find a very better and handsome guy than him and I promise that (crying)

Yn - aigoo my jina why are you crying?? I am okay now look and I promise I am not gonna cry actually he just told that today that's why I cried.

Jina - you know the girl whom he likes I hope she'll look ugly and will be a bad bitch and I know that you are way prettier than her.

Yn (smiling) - yah!! Don't say that I am sure that girl will be the prettiest and luckiest who'll got a man like him.

Jina - whatever it is but kim taehyung is not good for you and he is bad also.

Yn - yahh!!  Don't lie for me okay and Common don't say that and now come here don't cry.

Jina( crying ) - doesn't matter who love you or not I love you.

Yn - aww come here.

( they hugged each other for a while)

Yn - okay now let's go its cold outside and we have to go tomorrow company too.

Jina  - will you'll be okay with that??

Yn - umm well I have to get used to it bcz one day I'll have to see him with someone so...

Jina - ahh forget it afterwards we ain't gonna talk on that topic okay??

Yn - hmmm now let's go.

Jina - okay.


Tae's pov - well I hope she is okay and I hope she ain't gonna think that I like someone else I hope she'll understand my hint but why she is silent after I told her that I like someone. Well yn be ready your gonna be mine soon.

Jimin - did you sought everything??

Tae - yeah and I even told her that I like someone I hope she'll understand that someone is her.

Jimin - yeah she will now let's go to sleep its late.

Tae - hmmm.

Author - well sorry for this long part but its true guys its really hard to love someone who doesn't even know that you exist but we still love them bcz we can't control our feelings and I hope it's not one sided too bcz our idol also love us our seven angels also love us but!!! As fans so try to love them also as idols well stay tuned by by lovelies🥰

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