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OCTOBER 1429 - Cecily Neville is married to Richard, Duke of York

6TH OF NOVEMBER 1429 - Henry VI is crowned King of England

MARCH 1435 - It is revealed that Jacquetta of Luxembourg has wed Sir Richard Woodville

3RD OF FEBRUARY 1437 - Elizabeth Woodville is born to Baron Rivers and Jacquetta of Luxembourg

28TH OF APRIL 1442 - Edward of York is born to Richard, Duke of York and Cecily Neville

17TH OF MAY 1443 - Edmund of York is born to Richard, Duke of York and Cecily Neville

30TH OF MAY 1445 - Margaret of Anjou is crowned Queen of England

18TH OF MAY 1449 - Isabella Woodville is born to Baron Rivers and Jacquetta of Luxembourg

21ST OF OCTOBER 1449 - George of York is born to Richard, Duke of York and Cecily Neville

25TH OF SEPTEMBER 1452 - Eleanor Woodville is born to Baron Rivers and Jacquetta of Luxembourg

2ND OF OCTOBER 1452 - Richard of York is born to Richard, Duke of York and Cecily Neville

13TH OF OCTOBER 1453 - Edward of Lancaster is born to King Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou

22ND OF MAY 1455 - The first battle of St Albans is fought, signalling the beginning of the Wars of the Roses

31ST OF DECEMBER 1460 - Richard, Duke of York and Edmund, Earl of Rutland are killed at the battle of Wakefield

28TH OF JUNE 1461 - Edward of York is crowned King Edward IV of England


4TH OF MARCH 1464 - Eleanor and Elizabeth Woodville meet King Edward IV

1ST OF MAY 1464 - Edward and Elizabeth are married in secret

24TH OF SEPTEMBER 1464 - Edward announces his marriage to Elizabeth

5TH OF OCTOBER 1464 - Bella arrives at court with her family and meets the other Yorks for the first time

26TH OF MAY 1465 - Elizabeth Woodville is crowned Queen of England, George and Bella talk for the first time

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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