Forbidden love

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Oliver looked down at me with another warm smile
"No buts lana you have been here fair to long, you don't belong here"
I smiled
"I could have told you that"
He smiled back at me out stretching his hand
"Come on then"
I took his hand as he lead me out of my cell
"We have to go to my office before we go, just so we can go over the plan, okay?"
I bit my bottom lip overloading with joy with the fort of finally leaving this hell hole
"Yes that's fine"
When we reached his office he sat me down and offered me a cigarette before placing one I between his lips, I took that death sick
"Thank you"
He held out the lighter, as I lent in keeping eye contact the hole time before leaning back into my chair and inhaling the worm smock
"So we are leaving tonight"
Oliver said breathing out the smock letting it dance around the room
"How am we getting past the guards?"

"Like I said before lana, you are going to just walk past them, my look round just walk and if we play our chards right- your be free " he said with a smile leaning back into his chair

"Why are you doing this for me ?" I asked curiously
" I see myself in you lana and well , we could be good for each other"
I frowned lightly not understanding what he meant
"What? I don't understand"
Oliver got up and walked over to me sitting on the table in front of me
"Wendy left you behind lana, I would NEVER do anything to hart you"
My eyes filled with tears with the mention of my lover
" No, no, no lana don't cry" Oliver leant forward and raised my chin with his thumb, looking from my eyes to my lips he slowly lent in and kiss me softly
"I could make you happy lana, if you let me"

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